How can we improve Huel? (both product and service)

Really not sure how much clearly we can make it that 6 boxes are available.

I agree 6 boxes is too low so we will increase the number. Thank you for the suggestion.

You need to have some separate, non-dynamic, non-input text somewhere that says, “Buy Six Boxes, and Get this special price!”

The way it is now is counter-intuitive for a new user. We click one place to increase the box count, and we then have to look at another place to see the price per bottle lowering.
It isn’t obvious, but once you “see it” – or have it pointed out to you here :smile: then it becomes more naturally intuitive for the buyer.

Will you continue to lower the box price as one increase the buy beyond 6? Because that’s the cause and effect that’s in play now.

For RTD Soylent and Huel are closer in content then the powders – some prefer soy – I find that Huel does stick with me longer, but Soylent tastes more familiar for new users experimenting with meal replacements.


Soylent limits you to 10 boxes per order – that’s part of the reason I stopped my subscriptions there – and now I just order from them as I go.

I look forward to ordering enough boxes from you at one time that my price per bottle will be zero. :grin:

One way to improve your website is to show tracking on orders that have been placed. Lately, I don’t seem to get emails that my order has shipped.

I was really hoping to get my order by this Friday, May 24th as I am going to run out over the long weekend. I even emailed Support saying I would pay more to expedite the order so I get it in time. No response! My Order #396075-US shows online what I ordered but nothing about whether it shipped or not.

So, that’s my improvement. Show on the website when an order ships and show tracking. I just have to order enough so I have a stockpile on hand, then I won’t worry when the heck my order arrives.

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Great idea! We do send out tracking via email. I do see that your order is in transit–but we currently don’t offer a way to expedite orders. It may be something that we explore in the future.

Lately I’ve been getting headaches from the new Huel V1.1. Have you been hearing that from other people? At first I was wondering if it was because the oat is being milled more finely and thus a quicker surge of glucose to the brain, but now I’m beginning to wonder if it’s from the additional ingredients that were added in this V1.1.

You can improve Huel by including a scoop with every order, or at least warning customers who subscribe that they’ll never get another scoop after their initial order. I wish I had known that when I started.

Idea 1: Individual use packets. A 400 calorie potion of huel packaged in its own individual bag. You could throw it in your bag and mix it up when ready to drink. Sort of a hybrid between original huel and RTD.

Idea 2: Include/partner with Blender Bottle. I really don’t love the huel bottle and there’s no sense in reinventing the wheel.


Simply make the stuff you got in Europe open to US, would be great. Granola + bars aren’t available plus a few flavors

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Thank you everyone for the suggestion. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I’m listening.


Ooh! What about a fold-out spout from the Huel bag to reduce mess/spillage? I’m not sure how to implement this but retain the awesome re-sealability of the big bag… A physical check valve that folds in an out? A stiff extra piece of bag material? Needs testing…

350ml shaker bottles!! - niche (& great for kids!)

Flavor boosts with real cane or coconut palm sugar & sodium, rather than stevia.

Market single-serve (dry) pouches to Military / backpackers / etc.

Vitamin & Mineral Boost (an add-in like flavor boosts)

More scoop sizes & / or scoops with lines.

Shaker balls, and/or less clumpy Huel (shaker balls could be sold seperately).

A few things:

  • easier way to get huel out of the bags (bag clips are a good option)
  • tracking number on website
  • expedited shipping at a premium (as @MNSk8r suggests)
  • transparent pricing for larger orders (as @boles suggests)
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I was also not impressed with the shaker bottle. My very first shake leaked where the lid screws to the bottle. There really aren’t enough threads to make a good seal.

I’d also like to pick up my bottle more easily. I caught myself before picking up the bottle by the plastic that connects to the spout cap–which I imagine could be a quick way to dump the whole drink. And with the low threads, I’m not sure I’d trust picking up the bottle by the whole lid, either–it feels like it could pop off with very little pressure. I can see why other people on the discussion board mention they use their own bottle, and I hate to say, I will likely switch as well.

Shaker bottle could be better. I love the actual product! Pleasantly surprised actually. But I only use the shaker when I have to. It’s a little tricky to transport since it has no handle. And the lid (part that seals the spout) worries me because I turn it and drink, but at work I’m afraid any drippings will land on my shoulder and I wear black to work. So that could be interesting. So far no complaints on the huel itself.

Glad you like Huel! If you ever feel like your shaker bottle is broken, just let us know and we’ll be happy to replace it.

As a newbie, I think an option to get a T-shirt and a bottle or two bottles for the first order would be great. I need XS shirts in unisex and my bf needs 3X, so I picked what would work even though I’ll realistically never wear it because I’ll swim. A second bottle would’ve been much more useful!

I had this problem too (leakage) the very first time I did it. I was so disgusted and heart broken. It hasn’t happened to me since, which makes me think it was an error on my part. But your point of increasing the threads on the seal is a good way to fool-proof this.

The worst thing about the bags of Huel, and maybe this is just me, but I can’t make it without Huel getting all over the place. It would be nice if you could turn the powder into a single serving block that breaks apart when water is added. This would also make the scoop unnecessary and no need to measure.