I combine Huel Black and UU to get the sweetness just where I want it, with no sucralose.

U/U definitely tastes much better with some kind of milk added. I almost always add oat milk or a handful of nuts to my shakes now and they go down much smoother (and I don’t have to add so much sugar for better taste)

When I tried it the first time with the recommended 15 oz of water…I was repulsed by the consistency of something like pancake batter. When I learned to thin it out and use nut milks…not only did the taste appeal to me, my body actually craves it. Smoothies are the best…but if you don’t have time, just thin it out more (20-30 oz per two scoops) and shake well.

Patience is key; reading the forums says for some users, it takes a week or two for the taste to become palatable, after the first few weeks, users tend to like or even love the taste. My experience is the same, it gets better everyday.

Anytime you change your diet to something new like this, you have to give your taste buds a chance to adapt. I also think that if you feed your body with what it needs consistently, other cravings will diminish and you may actually find yourself looking forward to eating what you once didn’t like.

Do you mean ounces? 30ml is almost nothing.

oops…yes I did - thanks

I have to concur…I gag when I drink this stuff BUT it’s medicine in my thinking and I feel better right now for cutting out my evening meal and drinking this foul, powdery, disgusting stuff. I honestly have to force this stuff down. I mix one scoop vanilla and one scoop strawberry with 500ml cold water, brace myself and slowly get it down me whilst dreaming of McDonalds :smiley:

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Where are you getting strawberry? If you’re adding an entire scoop of strawberry flavor boost, that’s why it tastes bad.

My first order shows up tomorrow after a lot of delays. We’ll see how it pans out, but I don’t see the taste as a big limiting factor for me because I grew up on those awful tasting protein powders. Whey protein has a big time after taste in powder form. Over the years, companies have gotten better at the whole taste thing and I’ve settled on Isopure which tastes pretty good, but I’ve already conditioned myself to down things that are, how do you say, not ‘ideally palatable’. For me that means it doesn’t necessarily taste good but it doesn’t taste actively bad either. We’ll see where this ranks to stuff like that when I get my hands on it.

I took just the vanilla the other day and it was totally OK. So this stuff seems to become more agreeable the more you take it. But as I said it has always felt good after using it a few days so the actual taste has not been so important to me compared to the benefits…

Just tried my first vanilla portion today, and had the exact same reaction, 2 sips made me feel nauseous. Will try it thinner tomorrow, but something about the taste just didn’t agree with me at all, and I normally have a very strong stomach.

I’m trying to use huel as a mid-afternoon snack. WFH has led to a tendency to snack on sugary foods in the afternoon and thought this might be an option for making it through until dinner. Not sure I’ve ever experienced a sensation like it to be honest, just immediately felt like throwing up.

@james_0807 There is definitely an adjustment period, both for the taste and the mixture. 2 big things: 330ml per scoop, do not the recommended amount(250ml/scoop). It comes out like pancake batter if you do. It is way too clumpy unless you blend it regardless of how hard you shake it or for how long. Hand blenders are the best way to do it because the clean in basically a rinse as opposed to a disassemble and scrub clean. This also varies for people but it took about 3 days for my body to adjust to the fiber. I’m still a little gassy but it gets better as time goes on. You can also take a tums or gas x or something along those lines for that. Hope this helps.

@macrobano Thanks so much for your reply! Switching to 330ml per 50g scoop made so much difference, it’s a completely different experience!

Why on earth do they recommend 250ml? I guess if you were trying to get 2000 calories a day, you’d be looking at 3.3l of water just for huel if you go the 330ml route.

I put 2 scoops (400 calories) in 400ml total

They did change the scoop size though, so maybe the old suggestion for 250ml per scoop yielded 750ml volume? Now the bigger scoop warrants a larger starting volume, then adjust to preference.

@james_0807 Even at 2000 calories a day you are still drinking less than a gallon of water a day. It’s a safe amount and it will keep you hydrated and your kidneys thoroughly flushed, which helps with things like kidney stones and the like.

Had the same experience as you. Taste is very strange, not enjoyable. But I’ll persevere.

Reading through some of the comments, I think some need to stop adding salt to their shake. Why are people taking it so personally? They sound like MLM huns.

TLDR: your body may be used to high concentrations of sugar in your food, so you need to give it some time to adjust to the taste. The health benefits are so worth it.

I felt the same way about the taste when i first started, but to be fair i purposely got into huel by drinking the unflavored/unsweetened version. I did this to reset my taste buds and to cleanse all the bad sugar that was previously stored in my body from consuming bad food. This is especially difficult to do, because EVERYTHING now a days has some sort of amount of sugar. This makes getting off a sugar addiction practically impossible. Once my body started to get used the zero sugar levels, i began to get the other flavors, which were too sweet due to the readjustment in the sugar concentration that was, at the time, stored in my body, so i would mix the unflavored/unsweetened with a flavored bag for a while. I am now at a point where my taste buds actually enjoy the taste especially (banana right now). I am so happy that i can stay healthy AND simultaneously enjoy consuming what is healthy for me. I recommend that you give your body some time to adjust to the sugar levels before giving it up.

I think it’s like beer. Once you get used to the taste you will start liking it. At least that’s how I felt.

2nd that

There’s an adjustment period

Most of the foods we consume regularly are loaded with fats, sugars, and artificial enhancers that we don’t even think much about it

Read some labels. Started doing this a couple years ago. If i can’t pronounce it…

Stay hydrated. Stay safe. Stay healthy