Terrible First Impression

So far I have just started subscriptions and then cancelled them. I’m thinking next time I’ll uncancel the subscription I canceled after receiving my last shipment and then update the delivery date to ASAP (I’ll do that when I have about 5 weeks of Huel left).

I saw the following on the forum about a day ago:

Unlike what he said, though, I don’t think delays are related to whether you’re a subscriber or not. I think Huel’s shipping/supply chain is just a mess, and you might get your order in 4 days or…15? 23? Nobody really knows.

Huel will say that orders on a specific day were delayed or that less common orders ship less often than more common orders. When I emailed Huel 10 days after I placed my order, they claimed that they had noticed that morning that my order hadn’t shipped yet, but my order didn’t ship until the day after I emailed them. Huel is probably having trouble keeping up with demand or is having issues getting their shipping service viable, but we don’t know for sure since they always pretend the delays are one-off things or due to an order being unusual.