My first Huel experiences

I order my Huel a week ago on the 11th of November, it shipped on Tuesday the 14th and arrived the next day on the 15th. The shipping time probably isn’t normal as I live in Fort Worth about 15 miles from the distribution center.

My order was 3 bags of regular vanilla with extra scoop checked and the 1st order promotional items. On the order notes I requested a black shirt.

When my package arrived, it had everything in it that I ordered, kind of.
Even though I requested a black shirt, they sent me the grey one. Shame, I don’t wear grey.
They also generously included four scoops in my shipment. Every single one of which were cracked/broken.

So I had to go spend an extra $30+ on a measuring cup and a scale to portion the Huel.

Now, for the Huel itself.
I made my first batch in a small Hamilton Beach personal/smoothie blender, you can find those for like $10 at Walmart.
Poured it into my drinking container and tried to choke it down.
Literally choke it down. It was disgusting, not sweet and was making me gag and almost vomit. Even after adding instant coffee.
That being said, I made another batch before I went to bed and let it sit in the cooler overnight. Then tried again in the morning.
This time it was almost pleasant and had a faint taste of vanilla.
So, for me, I can only drink it nearly ice cold.

I did have a strange reaction to the Huel the first time I tried it. About 10-15 minutes after ingesting it, I got this chill or cold sweats over pretty much my entire body.
It made me nervous at first because I thought maybe I was allergic to something in Huel, which made no sense because I don’t have any known allergies. But the sensation went away after about 5 minutes without further issue and has not returned despite my drinking an entire serving the next day.

Overall, I’m very displeased with the order fulfillment, but okay​ with the Huel itself as long as it’s really cold.
I haven’t experienced any benefits yet, I’ll try and remember to update if/when I do.
I’m still working on the willpower to decline the fast, convenient and bad for you truck stop food.

Can you please provide your order # and/or the name used to place the order? We would be happy to look into this and resolve the issue with your shirt and scoops ASAP. :slight_smile:

In case there’s a chance you didn’t make your Huel correctly, I wanted to include these instuctions for you.
Here’s how to make the standard 500 calorie meal of Huel:
Add 400ml cold water first, then:
Add 3 level scoops of Huel
Add 3 ice cubes (optional)
Blend or shake vigorously for 10 seconds
Then top off with approx. 50-100ml of cold water
Done. Enjoy!

Then you can adjust to your liking.

  • Water = thinner and less sweet.
  • Water = thicker and sweeter.

Tips for adding flavor:
Cooking/smoothie recipes:

Don’t be afraid to experiment with amounts of powder/liquid and try different flavorings and consistencies to find your perfect Huel! Hope this helps! :+1:

Sorry for the delay. Holidays are super busy.
My order number is 20261

I have sent a replacement request to our fulfillment center and they should be sending out a new black shirt and 4 scoops to you ASAP. How are you doing with the flavor and consistency of Huel? Have you found any methods that work better for you? Happy to help if you need some tips!