Ziplock Seal Coming Clogged

I do the same - only with a toothpick.

I usually just thump/flick the back side of the seal a few times on both sides after I open it up for the first time. That’s generally all it takes to knock the powder out of the groove. Then it seals right up.

I’ve tried that, but I guess not good enough. I’ll try again next time I open a bag. I’ve splurged and starting using black edition. It also has this problem.

Be extremely careful (of course) and take a knife and clean out the seal of any powder. it will likely go back into the bag.

Use the backside of the knife or a butter knife to do so. Even a toothpick.

I have noticed this as a problem for a while. I don’t drink Huel a lot so I don’t get that many bags, but I think the first time I get them the seal was different and they worked better.

After adopting this process, I’ve had no troubles…

Upon receiving a new bag of drink stuff or soup stuff:

  1. Tap, thwack, and flick the top of the bag to clear the groove.
  2. Zip it closed–if clogged at all, pull it back apart (grabbing bag by the wide sides) and return to Step 1.
  3. Only when firmly zipped, then open the bag with scissors (to avoid little plastic bits from a jagged tear potentially falling into the bag later).

Then, with each use, just flick the top of the bag a few times before closing it.

Hope this helps. :slightly_smiling_face:

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