I’ve gone through a few bags of vanilla v1.0, and I find the taste and consistency pleasant. With vanilla v1.1, it seems that not much has changed. But, the consistency and flavor of chocolate and berry (v1.1) are so different than that of vanilla that I find it hard to believe there wasn’t something wrong with my batch. It’s almost as though I got some mislabeled bags of gluten-free chocolate and berry in place of regular.
The choc/berry have a very different consistency than the vanilla. They are much thinner than the vanilla at the same water to Huel ratio. At first, I thought I would just use less water to achieve the desired consistency, but that intensifies the strange new sweet/bitterness far too much. Which is the other difference.
These two flavors have a sharp bitter/sweetness to them that becomes far too intense when concentrated. Additionally, there is also a notable lack of grainy, oaty flavor. Chocolate and berry taste empty in the background, completely lacking the wholesome oaty fullness of the vanilla. It’s as though the machine that made these bags malfunctioned and accidentally replaced one of the basic grains with a ton of artificial sweetener.
Both the watery consistency and lack of bready flavor are what I imagine the gluten-free flavors would be like. However, I haven’t had the gluten-free to compare. Has anyone here had both regular and gluten-free to confirm or deny this?
What happened here? Was there actually a problem? I can’t figure out why the only difference wouldn’t be the relatively small substitution of added flavors. Thanks to Huel’s poor return and replacement policy, I’m stuck with these. I suppose they will be good diet food, since I’ll only want them if I’m dying of hunger. At least good, old vanilla Huel is still great, and if I want chocolate, the rival brand which shall not be named does it wonderfully (that’ll probably get me banned).