I noticed online that in the U.K. it looks like there are Huel flavors that you can mix in, and I wanted to ask when these flavors will be available in the U.S.?
We have had success with Huel flavors in our European markets, and are excited to bring some of the most popular flavors to the U.S., along with some new creations that we think you will love.
Stay tuned here and on our social media channels for news on when we might have flavors ready in the U.S. It is high on our list.
Thank you,
Yay! Glad to hear it.
I was hoping it wouldn’t turn into the black market of flavors, with folks in the EU selling them off at inflated prices on Ebay — because I would totally get sucked into that as I love trying everything a brand has to offer.
Thank you, we love to hear that and plan on giving you plenty of great quality products to try! We welcome your feedback as we launch and continue to make sure we are meeting the needs of our loyal customers.
Another vote for flavors - would like to try the other Huel options available in the UK.
Yes please! The huel flavors are a must.
Especially the sample pack.
@jreineke @JerryTalkin @renegadero
We are working on some exciting flavor options to bring to our US market soon, so stay tuned! In the meantime, I recommend checking out our flavor tips or some of our fave recipes.Happy Hueling, everyone!
I’ll help you test them
When is the approx release date for the flavors?
Oh Joe, you know I can’t release that kind of info just yet. Gotta keep an element of surprise, you know? But I can tell you that we are working on them and I am one of the lucky taste testers. So far, so good, but they are still being perfected. Patience, patience.
We need an arbitrageur to buy the packs in the UK and ship them here while we wait.
Please bring the Huel flavors to the U.S.!!!
“Flavors are coming.” -Jon Snow
I’m glad I check the Huel forums nearly every day so I saw this. Though, I just restocked my Huel (8+ bags) so I guess I’ll need to special order to get the flavors.
I have used the Sugar-Free Torani Syrups for flavoring. About 1-2 TBSP per drink should do it.
Is the hold-up in decision making/business direction alignment, or logistics/manufacturing? Would be great to know some insight to what’s going on here.
The market is prime!
No hold up here! We only launched in the states in June of 2017. First things first, people need to know what Huel is and WOW, the response has been astounding in our first 6 months! We’ve conducted many taste tests and have been working to ensure we put our best foot forward when we do decide to launch flavors. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but I can say we’ll all be seeing “Rome” in the very near future.
Will the Huel snack bars also be available to to purchase soon too?
Very cool. I’d love to be a part of the taste test sample group should you have a spot open
Bars are definitely on our to-do list and we are working on making that happen! We have a lot of exciting things going on in 2018.