Was Delivered Wrong Huel, after huel sent to wrong place

I’m a bit frustrated right now and would like customer support (I’m aware they lurk on these forums). I’ve been a member for over a year now just to add some context.

On October 22 I was sent huel. My huel was never delivered. Instead a Customer support member reached out to me and said that my package was sent to the wrong address and asked if I would like if my huel would be sent to me instead.

I said yes. Upon receiving the mis-sent package… It doesn’t even have my name on it (It has somebody elses name), and its the wrong flavor. Seriously??? Can I just get my damn huel? It looks like someone at customer support got lazy… and sent me someones cancelled order in the nearby seattle area, instead of going through the process of sending me a 2nd package since I never even got my first.

It’s almost been a FULL MONTH and now I probably have to go through the process of sending THIS package back to get the flavor I ACTUALLY want, all because I never got my first package, and all because Customer support responded by sending me someone elses package? What a Joke. I work in customer service too… can we just do things correctly please? This receipt is not mine, this flavor is not mine, and this package labeled “Jack *****” is not me. Nor does it even have my address in it.

Even the customer service guy sent me an email saying “Hey we found your package! Your package was sent to the wrong place!”
Well I now know that THAT was a lie. Come on huel team.

TLDR: Basically I never got my package. They said it was delivered else where. They then sent me someone’s cancelled order, while saying it was my lost package. It’s been a month and I have yet to receive my correct order.

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Customer Service where are you?

Here I am @Christopher_Branson! Just to confirm, I can absolutely assure you we would never just reroute a different customers order to your location. There must have been a mix-up with FedEx or a technical error on our end, so I’ll apologize for both of those possibilities! I do see I had personally sent your correct delivery address over to FedEx with hopes they could get your original package to you but that’s clearly not the case. You have a replacement order on the way with the delivery address confirmed and i’ll also be reaching out via email to chat further.

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