Vanilla Huel with black pepper

Anyone out there tried Vanilla Huel with fresh ground black pepper? I’ve been reading about some of the health benefits of pepper (which I put on most things for dinner) but not sure how it would be with a Huel shake. Any thoughts or experiences?

I guess while you’re at it you should add some turmeric too :slight_smile:

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No reason it should not be delicious. If you like black pepper taste have you ever used Pippali? (Long Pepper).

Can’t say I’ve ever heard of long pepper. I’ll have to see if I can find some.

I add ground flaxseed and nutritional yeast for their benefits…no noticeable effect on the flavor, but good for you. Thinking of trying beef bone broth for some of the liquid. May be crazy but will try it.

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Almost grabbed some bone broth last night, David. I’d like to find a few savory mixtures.

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Given my preference for savory food, i tried to make multiple spice mixes with black pepper as a dominant ingredient along with a few other spices to go with the unsweetened / unflavored version of Huel - unfortunately nothing worked for me. There is something fundamentally wrong with a cold / luke warm drink with spices in it ! Just my experience though.

However, what has worked well for me is cardamom pods - get the seeds out of them, crush them ( powdered version looses flavor quickly) and add them fresh to your regular sweetened / vanilla flavored Huel - has been working really well for me.

I get a Turmeric / Blackpepper combination supplement from Costco. has been working really well for me. Supposedly BlackPepper extract enhances the bioavailability of curcumin…

good luck

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