Has anyone here tried carrying the huel powder for meals on the AT, or other multi-day trips? I’m considering this option for meals, especially on bike packing trips, but wondered about the weight for backpacking, if it was worth it.
Also, if people have used huel as their main source of meals on a trip, did you feel full enough, have enough energy, ect.
I know a ton of people have! I personally haven’t because I’m not a major hiker or anything like that but Huel is very satiating so it complements activity very well.
I think weight wise it will be a great way to get your energy, as long as you have access to easy water. The weight will come from the liquid part.
I use Huel and similar regularly, both when more passive and more active. On the more active days, I have to make an extra effort to make sure I eat/drink enough. Mostly because I feel pretty full after shakes. Way to do this is milk plus some cacao powder.
Also, I don’t tend to drink Huel while doing the activity; particularly cycling. There was some thread (probably on the UK forum) with similar questions and the general consensus was that it would be hard to drink.
On the other hand, last time I went hiking I used bars (mainly due to water+shaker combo).