Update on my experiences

Just recieved my second auto delivery, right on time. I put it at four weeks but thought it might be too big a gap but for right now it works out great. I’m now taking a full helping of Huel mid morning at work, then use the lunch hour to get other work done (do NOT feel like eating at lunch, very satiated from the Huel) and I can wait easily for dinner which now is some lean meat and veggies. Still losing weight, slowly, which is exactly what I wanted so that my body can properly adjust to the reduction. Been working out 3 days a week with no noticable loss of energy. I plan on adding three days of aerobics soon and will experiment with 2 Huel meals a day, we’ll see. In fact I fill great, plenty of energy and I’m still amazed at the shift in mentality…from a food/eating focused lifestyle to one where I have much more time for the things I need/want to do. Not that I don’t like eating anymore, I enjoy a weekly meal splurg and actually appreciate and enjoy it more now that it’s a treat rather than “'ya wanna go out to eat?” meal.
My wife continues to manage her diabetes quite well with our overnight blood sugar problems a thing of the past with a before bedtime Huel. In fact she cut her DM meds back to just one of them and only every other day.
I see alot of modifications to how to take Huel and a lot of praise as well as a lot of criticism. I don’t discount anyone’s experience. But stripping away all the personal aberations (normal human distributions in life), all the personal taste likes and dislikes, and all the modifications with additions, let’s look at the basic product. It’s amazing. And to me, it’s groundbreaking. I’ve been “in” nutrition and physical fitness my whole life (that’s makes 50 years) and I’ve seen them all, tried them all, and Huel IS different. It’s complete in a way no other is, has a palatable taste (at a minimum, I like it), and in my life anyway has produced some interesting changes/observations: humans (Americans?) eat way too much / focus way too much on eating, too much of life is taken up with thinking about/being involved in eating, so much of what we eat is such garbage with so little nutrition and perhaps dangerous to our health, and to maybe sum all that: a good portion of our lives is wasted on an activity that has been blown all out of proportion to our needs.
I understand the need for variety, quality, and the entertainment of human culinary activites, and love to do it myself but what I’m saying here is it no longer is an automatic practically subconscious behavior pattern that my life rotates around.
Wow, that all sounds like something out of my abnormal psych classes. I love Huel, it’s a part of my life now, and I fully expect to see great health benefits and lifestyle benefits from it. An excellent innovative product that deserves success.


Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, @fmpros! We’re thrilled Huel is working for you guys. We’re happy to be a part of your lifestyle now! Keep us updated on your Huel journey. :slight_smile:

Aww William! Huel :heart:s you too! Thank you for keeping us updated. So happy to hear about your wife’s results. Keep it up!

This is interesting. Despite Huel being rather heavy in carbs, it does not cause aberations in blood sugars for your diabetic wife. A testament to the moderate glycemic index nature of either oats or the overall Huel formulation itself.

This example illustrates the point that a carb is not simply a carb. The “qaulity”, or how easily/slowly the carbohydrate is digested, plays just as an important role as the quantity of total carbs consumed.

It also begs the question: would your wife (or any diabetic) still have the same positive results if she had instead used a complete meal containing Maltodextran as it’s main carb source? That’s just a rhetorical question. I’m not asking you to run this as an experiment. But I would venture to guess the answer is no. Almost all other competing “meal replacement” or complete food products out there use Maltodextran or some other high glycemic index carb source. It seems that Huel is one of the few (or only) that use oats.

Exactly. It’s the speed at which a particular molecule is assimilated/processed. The more complex carbs are slower than carbs such as maltodextrin. The glycemic index is unit-less number that compares this process between foods; lower = slower. When we first were having trouble with unacceptably low blood glucose upon waking, which required something with a high index to rectify such as orange juice, I had her start taking a small meal before bedtime. Results were all over the map, sometimes waking with low sugar, sometimes too high, and hard to stabilize. With Huel and it’s low index, high protein, and complex carbs, it not only assimilates slowly (and evenly apparently) but has a lasting and stable effect. She’s waking now regularly with 80-100 sugar and feeling fine. As with me, she’s not eating as much, or snacking, during the day due to feeling full and satisfied after using Huel.
Just as an aside, another “food” that I have found recently that has helped with my injured shoulder is Black Cumin Seed oil. The major compound in it, thymoquinone, is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. The oil has been used for centuries, is safe, and has the usual “miraculous” qualities given to it that one so often sees associated with things like this. In my case I found that apparently the particular inflammatory pathways involved with my shoulder pain are addresed directly with thymoquinone. It knocks down the inflammation, stops the pain, and allows much greater flexibility than using Ibuprophen or other such compounds. I can workout easily when taking it. I have repeatedly stopped and restarted taking it to rule out the placebo effect and I can say that it has a dramatic effect for me. Just an FYI for anyone with similar needs.


I haven’t heard of Black Cumin Seed oil before. Very interesting! :thinking:

You can find it in most health food stores. Thymoquinone is a very interesting compound. The only down side is the taste. I mix one teaspoon of it with one teaspoon olive oil, have a swallow of milk, then the oil, then finish with milk (just 4-6 oz). That pretty well masks the taste and you get the benefit of the olive oil too. Twice a day. Some bottles of it will taste stronger than others and this is just a measure of the percentage of thymoquinone in that particular batch of oil that was processed. While it has strong anti-inflammatory properties, it also has other healthful properties too, you can google it. There’s lots of compounds in the oil but TQ is the main one. It’s now part of my daily regimen.

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