A new user to Huel, I only started using it Fall of 2019, but quickly saw the benefit of Huel for time pressed meals. By time pressed, I mean during checkpoint and aid station stops in ultramarathons where I need to get calories in fast (chewing is a waste of time and energy!)
I ran 7 ultras last year. In October I added Huel to my race day strategy, drinking 2 scoops every 15 miles in addition to a few energy gels. It was the perfect addition. I’ve burned anywhere from 4,000-9,000 calories during a single day event and using using Huel as a balanced way to replace those calories quickly is game changing.
Anyone else using Huel during long runs or ultras?
Thanks for posting. I used to do ultraruns and have moved over to ultradistance cycling (most recent one-stage, 1200-mile race around Denmark). The use of Huel in these events was one of the reasons I ordered it recently to see how it would do as a primary food source during these events. Glad to hear it’s working for you and gives me further confidence to try it in training and see how it works out. Good luck out there.
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1200 mile! That’s awesome, best of luck and thanks for sharing.
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