Package has not moved from texas in a week

So i ordered some huel shakes (order number 281439) last thursday, and it was scheduled to be delivered yesterday, but never arrived. I checked the fedex tracking info, and it says that the label was created, but it never left texas. Is there any way to know when my shipment will actually be on its way?
I was going to give huel a try as meals for work since fast food gets expensive so im pretty disappointed that im not gonna see the $100 worth of product any time soon.

Hey @Daniel_Stoffel! I have contacted our fulfillment center to check in on the status of your order. As soon as I know more, I’ll let you know. We apologize for this!

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Thank you! I appreciate you checking up on it for me

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@Daniel_Stoffel, your order is currently in transit to you with a Saturday delivery date. :+1: