Not as full as I once was

I just bought my fifth bag and I have to say I love it more and more each time I have it. I initially thought that I could get away with a scoop and a half as a meal replacement. It worked for a while but then I increased to two full scoops. Shortly after I started doing half milk and half water. Now I actually put in three scoops and one additional scoop of protein powder and it doesn’t seem to fill me like it did.

How’s the rest of your caloric intake? I have found that my body can only take restricting for so long before it starts to increase my hunger. This is also true if I have been restricting variety, not just calories. If you have a history of dieting, it’s possible that your body could send you similar signals.

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Hey @Bissmo12! I would echo the question @UniqueMT-BC asked and I have a couple additional questions too, if that is alright:

  • Has anything else changed in your intake recently?
  • How many calories are you typically consuming overall each day?
  • How often are you having Huel?
  • Are you staying hydrated?

There are a bunch of things that can play a role in hunger and fullness so the above can be helpful for us to take a further dive into this.

Let me know! :slight_smile:

I never ate breakfast in my 40 years. I usually eat a decent lunch and my Asian wife cooks an amazing dinner. I make my huel at night and now drink half in the AM. Add another scoop and have the rest at lunch.

I also add 3 scoops, 50/50 with milk and top it off to the top so it’s not so thick. Beats taking 2 cups to work. I do have a physical job so I consume more than most.

Went from a sandwich, fruit and maybe chips to 3 -4 scoops.