Today I started using Huel V1.0 vanilla flavor for the first time and so far I like it!
I was in the military and got out about a year ago, in addition, I also got divorced around the same time. All of this lead to about a 45lb weight gain that I am now so ready to get rid of. Fingers crossed it will work for me!
The bags came in good timing, the T-shirt fit well and all 4 scoops plus the free mixer bottle (and the extra one I purchased just Incase) came to the house in great shape! I am impressed with the packaging, especially the closures on the bag. This proved to me that the company does care about what they do because of the focused on the little details like that.
I ordered the vanilla and I like it a lot so far, however everyone seems to talk about a sweetener in this flavor. What is wrong with the sweetener?
Will there be an app made for huel for iPhones? I think that would be an awesome idea to improve the user experience to be able to save recipes and these forum chats that have good recommendations.
My first shipment doesn’t come in until this Friday!!!
Hope you’re enjoying it!!
Hey! So far, so good! For my lunch today I made a shake last night and then this morning went ahead and tossed a few strawberries in there and blended it with my nutribullet. Naturally I had to test it and it is so good! Looking forward to lunch today.
Hi Chantal,
Welcome to the Huel community! Happy to have you on board! 

In regards to the sweetener, we use a sweetener system in vanilla Huel that includes stevia and sucralose. This is done in order to make a pleasant tasting drink. The amount of sucralose is minimal as discussed in our article: However, if you find that you are not keen on sweeteners, we have an Unflavored/Unsweetened version which people can sweeten or flavor themselves if need be.
An app is a great idea! I’ve passed it along to the rest of the team. 
This forum is powered by Discourse. You should be able to use the Discourse app to interact with it. No other Huel-specific functionality though.