My Weightloss Journey

Hello Hueligans,

Earlier this year I attempted to lose weight, and core aspect of the journey was I did not want to buy or prepare expensive ingredients and spend a lot of time in the kitchen. So, I decided the core of the plan was to implement Huel as my solution and key to my success… Well, I started and then I ended up with Covid, which derailed the journey. But now, I am ready to go, and ready to lose weight, and keep it off.

To hold my self-accountable, I will provide updates every day, complete with my meals and morning weight. I hope this inspires anyone seeking a similar path.

Starting Date: 12/5/2021
Starting Weight: 274lbs
Goal Weight: <185lbs

Today’s Intake:

  • Breakfast - None
  • Snack - 1 Huel Snack Bar (200 Calories)
  • Lunch - 1.5 Scoop Coffee Latte Shake (300 Calories)
  • Snack - 1 Snack Bar (200 Calories)
  • Dinner - 2 Scoop Hot & Savory Sweet and Sour (400 Calories) +few meatballs with pasta sauce (~250)
  • Snack - 1 Huel Snack Bar (200 Calories)
  • Water (Excluding Shakes) - ~80 ounces
  • 12oz Coffee with 2tbsp heavy cream (100 Calories)
  • Multi+Omega-3 Multigummies (25 Calories)

Total: 1675 Calories
Maintenance: 2602 Calories
Day Deficit: ~927 Calories.
Week Deficit: ~927 Calories

Today’s Experience:
I am actually a little surprised at how little I had to fight the hunger today. Between Lunch and Dinner is where I struggled the most but is almost always when I want to eat the most. Working from home it is a daily struggle to not just pop into the fridge or freezer and heat up some food… Having 2 kids, my house does have some quick and easy, but not so good for you options just laying around.

I would call today a success in my journey.

That’s a big deficit. Do you think it’s sustainable?

I don’t think I can run a deficit this high 7 days a week on a continuous basis. Though right now I am not physically active, which I plan to change and as I start to work in some cardio, I will close the gap a bit.

Good luck! You can do this. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

@SteveO thanks!

Day 2:

Weight not taken due to dead batteries.

Today’s Intake:

  • Breakfast - Activia Greek Yogurt (120 Calories)
  • Snack - None
  • Lunch - 2 Scoop Hot and Savory Mac & Cheese (400 Calories)
  • Snack - 1 Snack Bar (200 Calories)
  • Dinner - 2 Scoop Hot & Savory Sweet and Sour (400 Calories) + 2 Chicken Patties (~400)
  • Snack - None
  • Water (Excluding Shakes) - ~55 ounces
  • 12oz Coffee with 2tbsp heavy cream (100 Calories)
  • Multi+Omega-3 Multigummies (25 Calories)

Total: 1645 Calories
Maintenance: 2602 Calories
Day Deficit: ~957 Calories.
Week Deficit: ~1884 Calories

Felt alright, however was really tired in the afternoon, most likely from the large calorie deficit and the complete lack of major carbs that my body is use to. We’ll see what tomorrow brings :smiley:

Day 3:

Morning Weight: 270.4
Weight Change: -3.6lbs

Today’s Intake:

  • Breakfast - Fasted
  • Snack - 1.5 Scoop Coffee Latte (300 Calories)
  • Lunch - 2 Scoop Sweet and Sour Hot & Savory (400 Calories) + 1 Snack Bar (200 Calories)
  • Snack - None
  • Dinner - Small Salad (lettuce pickles, plain chicken breast + 2 tbsp Chipotle Ranch) (Est: 300 Calories)
  • Snack - 1.5 Scoop Berry Flavor Shake (300 Calories)
  • Water (Excluding Shakes) - ~55 ounces
  • 12oz Coffee with 2tbsp heavy cream (100 Calories)
  • Multi+Omega-3 Multigummies (25 Calories)

Total: 1625 Calories
Maintenance: 2582 Calories
Day Deficit: ~957 Calories.
Week Deficit: ~2841 Calories

Today I decided for dinner to eat a small salad and enjoy a shake as a night snack :). My original goal was to move to eating only Huel, but as I have room in my daily intake for regular food, I ate a light salad. I will most likely establish a couple regular meals a week. Though, oddly enough, I think I would have preferred Huel for dinner.

I decided on the 1.5 Scoop Huel Shakes, because I bought a small model ninja blender. This mixes the stuff very well, but it seems just, I mean just too small for two scoops and the water (I add a little more water then instructed). The resulting shake is creamy, smooth and the texture is just PERFECT.

I felt “light” today and I can feel in my knees less joint stiffness (from an old knee injury). Still not liking what I see in the mirror, but loving the direction the scale moved :slight_smile:

Let me know your thoughts and feedback.

I think you are on a good track. Good luck! Don’t be too hard on yourself - give it some time. And consider adding some exercise to your overall weight loss/health improvement program. It does not have to be hardcore - walking, light yoga and stretching, and swimming are all good.