My experience with Huel

I bought a couple packs of the vanilla about a year and a half ago. I thought it was pretty good when I first started taking it. I immediately noticed extra trips to the restroom as many others claimed would happen while you adjusted to the extra fiber in your diet.
After about a week though, it started becoming a struggle to drink it due to all the sweeteners and the vanilla. I started to loathe my time with Huel. Then I started noticing my skin felt like it was getting a rash immediately after my Huel meals. Ultimately, I never finished my second bag. The ultra-sweet taste and the rashy skin feeling was just too much to handle.

Now I’m back and I was reconsidering Huel, perhaps the chocolate version. I decided to take a fresh look at the ingredients and the one ingredient that really sticks out to me is the sucralose. Sure, there are mixed studies about sucralose - but who am I to trust? I could go with the unsweetened version. But my trust is already shaken from seeing sucralose in the other flavors. What other ingredients were inserted that I don’t understand well? What are the risks?

Hey @OrangePeel. I’m sorry to hear Huel didn’t work out for you in the past but I’d love for you to give it a whirl again!

Here is a guide to the sucralose used in Huel:

If you want more of an analysis of the Huel product, here are a couple of nutrition articles you might be interested in: