Just an observation

I’ve been regularly drinking Huel for months now, but only recently have I started putting it in the fridge while I’m at work. I’ve noticed that berry thickens much more than chocolate. At first I thought it was because I usually put in coffee/peanut butter/etc., into my chocolate Huel, whereas I don’t put anything in my berry Huel. I didn’t put anything in my chocolate Huel today and it’s still significant thinner than berry. Not to say it doesn’t thicken, but when I make berry Huel and let it sit, it ends up so thick I have to suck it out of the spout to actually get it out. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t mind a thicker berry - it’s almost like a pudding, unfortunately. But I haven’t had this issue at all with chocolate and I ran out of vanilla to test it with. I’m just curious as to why it is that the consistency seems to differ. I make both exactly the same, 20 oz of water and 2 scoops. If anyone has an idea - I’d love to hear it!

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I have no idea why, but I have also experienced this. I compensate now and make my berry mixes more dilute in anticipating of this (what I call) “berry congealing”. The berry RTD Huel doesn’t do this, it’s just when I mix the powdered berry Huel.

That’s odd. I wouldn’t have thought there would be any noticeable differences as the main ingredients are the same. There maybe slight differences due to variations in the natural ingredients. Other than that I’m out of ideas.

Oh don’t worry. It’s still good. Today’s dinner is Berry Huel plus a scoop of Amazing Greens “super food”, with 2 ounces more water than I would if it were chocolate Huel instead.

Sugary products gets thicker as water evaporates.
Chocolate has diuretic properties, so I suppose it keeps water from being absorbed into the fiber/protein membrane of the meal.
The vitamins are a factor too.
Just means it’s lacks unnecessary preservatives.

A diuretic is a medication/compound that works in the kidneys. Some work in the distal tubule, some in the Loop of Henle. Most work by blocking the sodium/potassium pump, so they work by blocking resorption of sodium and water. (Sodium/potassium pumps work by 3 sodium molecules are reabsorbed and 2 potassium molecules excreted, and then water follows the sodium passively by osmosis. This is the basis for how our nephrons concentrate our urine. Blocking these pumps will then result in less Na+/water resorption, so more water will be lost to the urine.) The one exception is Spironolactone (and it’s cousin, Eplerenone) which block the hormone Aldosterone. Although Aldosterone’s action is to increase these Na+/K+ pumps in the nephrons, so Spironolactone indirectly inhibits these pumps. The specific compounds in Chocolate that have this effect are probably caffeine and theobromine which are Methylxanthines. “The mildly diuretic actions of both methylxanthines are mainly the result of inhibition of tubular fluid reabsorption along the renal proximal tubule.” Methylxanthines and the kidney - PubMed

Conclusion: The diuretic effects of chocolate would only occur in the human body, not sitting in a bottle.

Huel contains only one or two grams of sugar per 400 calorie serving so I doubt the sugar is the factor.

Oats are hygroscopic. Flaxseeds are very hygroscopic. Just toss oats or flax/chia seeds into water and wait a few hours. They absorb water like a sponge. Oats and Flaxseed are two main ingredients in Huel. IMO, this is the most likely explanation for thickening. But I guess that doesn’t solve our dilemma since all Huel flavor powders have these.

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One possible idea is what Huel used to flavor berry and chocolate. I’ve never specifically looked into the flavoring ingredients, but I’ll use my baker’s knowledge to make a rough guess. For berry powder it’d make more sense to use dehydrated or freeze dried berries - which would become thicker when water is added. However in chocolate, unsweetened cocoa powder would probably be used - but cocoa powder applies itself better to liquids and doesn’t thicken too much. I’m still unsure, just shooting out ideas.

But you are what you eat, and Huel is almost a complete thing to take in. :+1:
Any info on Spironolactone and effects of oxidation?