Huel stomach pains

I first tried Huel last year. I used to be a protein shake drinker and din’t want to go back. However, my friend said such great things about huel, so I had to try.

To really see if huel works for me, I did 2 weeks of nothing but huel. I’m used to doing cleanses and increase of times going to the bathroom was nothing new to me. What i did notice the first couple of days was that my face was really oily. I thought that it was a bad side affect of huel. However, it was really my body discarding all the excess oil out of my body. After a couple of more days, I noticed that my energy level spiked, my outlook on life was better and I felt positive. I was a huel believer. I kept one bag at work and one at home. Of course, I can’t just live on huel alone. I decided to huel for lunch monday - friday, and eat food the other times. Which means, I didn’t need to order as much huel as I did before.

At some point, my stomach started hurting. I always thought it was the spicy food I ate or maybe I ate to much during a meal. I had finally finished my remaining huel at work and on to a new order. Now, I have one bag of huel at home and one at work from the same order.

I realized that my stomach pain was coming from huel. I don’t know if it’s the specific batch or because of the change in formula. However, my coworkers notice that I’m in pain during the work day.

I’ve never had this kind of pain drinking huel before. Has anyone else had this issue? I drink the unflavored unsweetened version.


Hey, we recommend that when you start your Huel diet, you first try replacing 1 meal with Huel, and then after a while (approx. 5-7 days) you could progress to replacing 2 of your daily meals (and then 3, 4, etc. if you want to go 100% Huel). This will allow your body to slowly adjust to Huel. This is because Huel is high in fiber while a typically Western diet is low in fiber.

If you switch from one diet e.g. vegan to paleo, you can experience flatulence and irregular bowel movements, tiredness and/or cravings, etc. It’s not that the diet is bad it’s due to changes in the gut’s microbiome based on their new food source.

I’ve noticed something similar, but only with the chocolate flavor. I’m a fairly new customer and got the new version of chocolate and never tried the old one, but I notice I tend to have acid reflex with the chocolate flavor – no skin off my nose though, because I really don’t like the chocolate flavor.


Hi @HGWells!

It seems this new formula is affecting me and my friend with stomach pains. I guess with anything we’ll have to have a “loading” phase. I didn’t need it for version 1.0, but hey version 1.1 seems to make my body react differently. In a positive way, if you ignore the pains for now.

As for you your acid reflux, here’s what I did. On the old formula, it was 3 scoops per shake. I used to get bad acid reflux constantly. I came to this forum and someone suggested that I use only 2 scoops instead of 3. Bingo. Two scoops did what I needed and no more acid reflux.

Obviously, everyone’s body is different, but here’s what I’m going to try with the new formula. I’m going to try just one scoop for one shake a day until my body gets used to it. Even 2 scoops in one shake in one day is too much for me.

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FWIW I notice (no matter the flavor / batch / day) that if I don’t drink a lot of water during the day - Huel will tear me up. Idk why, but it is what it is - for me at least. I just make sure I pound back the suggested amount of water for me and I’m fine.

cheers :slight_smile:

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If you suffer from acid reflux these steps can help:

  • Blend Huel well with plenty of water in a blender rather than using the shaker

  • Sip Huel - 2 scoops should take half an hour to consume

  • Do not consume hot beverages around the same time as you consume Huel

Huel, are You saying that the problem are the fibres?
I’m trying huel but I’ve a terrible heartburn and reflux…I’ll reduce to 2 scoops

I’ve never had reflux, only when I eat cereal mix soup

There isn’t a problem with fiber more with the change in peoples’ diet from low fiber inclusion to high. Fiber provides a lot of great health benefits.

In your case Luca the problem is unlikely to be fiber. If you have issues with reflux, which can occur with other foods, we’d suggest to:

  • Blend Huel well with plenty of water in a blender rather than using the shaker

  • Sip Huel - 2 scoops should take half an hour to consume

  • Do not consume hot beverages around the same time as you consume Huel

Thanks, I’ll try your suggestions, but is the first time that I’ve this problem so strong…
Moreover I feel burn my throat after the first sors

That sounds more like an intolerance or reaction to an ingredient rather than reflux Luca. I would suggest raising this with your doctor.

So i used powder for about 2 months but recently switched to bottles. Got 50/50 vanilla and berry. It was all great until last week i started noticing stomach pains after I drank the berry one. I kept thinking it was a consequence and I started to pay more attention. Shortly I noticed that this was the case only with the berry flavored bottles and the pain and bloating would come pretty much right after I drink it and stay for about 30 mins.

I do 3-4 bottles a day with some vegan snacks or light meals in between. I drink plenty of water and tea. No coffee. I’m a dancer so I’m pretty active throughout the day. The bottles were an excellent solution because they’re so easy and I can go about my busy day with no worries but the berry has been knocking me out lately.

This wasn’t the case the first couple of weeks I tried them… I’m wondering if they’re different batches… not sure

That’s very strange that you are only having issues with the berry flavoured RTD. If you’re okay with the vanilla can you continue enjoying RTD?

If you have most of the berry RTD bottles left per case our Customer Experience team amy be able to help you out with your remaining bottles.

how is your water consumption? as a dancer i’m sure you are aware of the benefits of drinking plenty of water…but if NOT, read any post by a dietitian or doctor regarding what moderate to extraneous exercise can do to your body and how water can help to keep everything lubricated and functioning proper.

as a quick aside, dietitians recommend that we drink at least half of our weight in ounces of water a day to stay hydrated and our insides moving optimally. this is aside from any of diet, meal plan, protein shake consumption, couch surfing face stuffing session that we take part in each day. ALWAYS drink filtered water…our bodies are composed of something like 70% of the stuff. think about what a good amount of exercise will do to the liquid. if you said burn it off, THAT’S THE CORRECT ANSWER!! what do we have for her, Chuck!?

today on the Price is Right we have…A NEW DINETTE SET!! complete with silverware by…ok, i’ll stop now

Hi I have slight dull ache /pain in my left lower abdomen . I have had 2 scoops with 600ml of water once a day for 6 days . Any advice on this ?

By the way I love how much healthier I feel since starting this.


Does it subside within 2-4 hours after eating?

Have you tried either probiotics or an antigas?

When I first started I had considerable gas until I switched to the unflavored and unsweetened

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I have been taking Huel now for 7 or 8 weeks now. I slow rolled the intake when I started and had what in would consider a normal amount of gas from switching my diet. I have been taking Huel every morning for breakfast and some sometimes I do another shake in the afternoon. About 2 weeks ago I started getting some stomach pain related gas, in the back of my mind I thought it might be the Huel but chalked it up to something else. The pains have been progressive in pain and duration. The chocolate and the berry flavors seem to cause more problems than the vanilla. Sad to say I’m going to cycle off the Huel for a few weeks to see if pains go away. I train every day for marathons and triathlons and was excited to finally have a calorie source that was seemingly clean and has a decent texture and taste.

Guess some things are too good to be true.


I have been having Huel for breakfast and lunch since it launched in the U.S. I never had a problem with Original Vanilla powder. I tried using only Chocolate powder, and I would get quite a terrible stomachache, nausea, and loss of appetite immediately after having it for breakfast for two weeks, which grew in intensity with each day. (I drink 3 cups of water when I first get up. So, it’s likely not a hydration issue.) I didn’t figure it out sooner since I am lactose intolerant and thought it may have been something else I ate. I switched back to Original Vanilla and the problem stopped. Sorry to hear that you experienced similar problems. But, it’s comforting to see that others have the same problem. Haven’t tried the Berry yet.

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I must have received the unsweetened vanilla. I was hoping it would taste better than the sum of its parts but no. It is not something I’ll be craving or even look forward to drinking a second time. I have 2 bags of it left if anyone wants them. It did nothing for me as far as feeling full or even somewhat satisfied.

I have been using Huel vanilla for about 18 months now and I loved it! Once I ordered the newest version I can no longer drink it, I get stomach pains and mild nausea. I also find the new flavor to be not as good as the last version, kind of tastes like a unsweetened vanilla extract flavor that lingers for quite some time. The last version I got was more of a sweet granola taste with no lingering flavor (it was delicious!). I would love to keep ordering the last version if I could. For now I’m not sure what to do.

I would mix 2 scoops of Huel Vanilla into a 20oz shaker bottle filled with half water, half 30 calorie unsweetened almond milk (all mixed its about 16oz). I would drink 1 a day along side a piece of fruit, 4-5 days a week.

I may try the the unsweetened version of Huel and switch from 30 calorie almond milk, to vanilla 80 calorie almond milk to see if this fixes the stomach pain and nausea. I love Huel so I really don’t want to give it up.


I started Huel again last year and had to stop it because of unbearable stomach pains. Pain increase in frequency and intensity and would come while digesting other meals than Huel. Huel meals would be mainly fine although I could feel a slight discomfort. But having a rich meal at the restaurant or drinking wine would suddenly become unbearable. I had to stop. Is it really the fibres btw? All the fibres in the world do not seem worth such an uncomfortable feeling imo. Is it not recommended to mix Huel with rich meals? Is it possible to mix Huel with a diverse diet? I used to have 2 to 4 scoops 2 times a day. Please advise as I still have one vanilla flavoured bag…