Huel stomach pains

It might be the sucralose. Consider trying the black or unflavored v3.0

Thanks for the reply. Do you work for Huel? Since you have it in your handle.

No affiliation, just a long-time consumer.

Huel is made to be fit into whatever lifestyle you want to lead. Most people have Huel 1/2 times a day with other meals so it shouldn’t be causing you issues.

Make sure you up your water intake when you have Huel and ease into it too. By that I mean have 1, 2 scoop meal a day for a week and work your way up to 8 scoops a day if that’s your aim.

I’ve bought my first few bags of Huel Black and I’m getting stomach pains. I tried one meal of the Vanilla on the first day and it was ok. Then Chocolate on the second day which gave me very annoying stomach pains. I again tried the chocolate on the 3rd day. Again stomach pain. 4th day I didn’t have any Huel and the pain got a good bit better. Its now the 5th day. Haven’t had any Huel for two days but my appetite is very low and still have lingering mild pain in my stomach. Its a lot better than it was when I was drinking Huel though. It seems like it was Huel Black Chocolate causing all this. I’m going to try the Huel Black Vanilla tomorrow and see if the pain comes back.

My normal diet is oats/ muesli, raw and cooked vegetables + some meat and dairy (very high fibre, basically). I’ve never had any food intolerances before. Not allergic to anything. Not sure what in Huel Black is causing this. Could be the gut getting used to a new food? I’ll try tomorrow with the Vanilla and update. I also have a couple bags of original Huel to try. Hopefully I don’t have stop taking Huel for good but we’ll see. I can’t continue like this as the pain is getting in the way of concentration at work.

It’s possible the higher protein. Based on your diet it sounds like Huel v3.0 (the white bags) are more similar to your usual diet so you may fair better with that.

Hi Dan, thanks for the reply. I think I’ll try Huel v3.0 white bags like you say. I didn’t go all in with the white bags because I wanted to share some with my girlfriend who is gluten intolerant and there were no gluten free original bags left. But I’ve since read that the Huel Original is actually mostly gluten free and that it should be ok for gluten intolerant people - is that true? (shes not allergic or anything just slight intolerence and the odd biscuit here and there doesn’t seem to cause her any trouble!)

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Hi Dan, I’ve been trying to find out definitively if Huel v3.0 is mostly gluten free. I’m still finding conflicting reports on it being suitable for gluten sensitive people but not 100% sure a haven’t seen that on your site

There is a relatively low amount of gluten in the standard Huel v3.0 Powders, yes, because gluten is only being introduced through contamination, not due to one of the ingredients naturally containing gluten.

It will most likely be okay for your girlfriend but because this isn’t monitored and controlled like the gluten-free powders there will be batch to batch variation. This is why there is no definitive answer. I would always err on the side of caution and go for the gluten-free pouches but at the end of the day it’s your girlfriend’s choice.

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I used huel for a couple of weeks having no more than 4 scoops per day. Then I developed terrible lower abdominal pain. It’s always seemed to begin on my left side but then moved throughout my lower abdomen. Sometimes the pain was so bad it referred down to to my groin. I was so concerned about this that I visited my doctor who carried out various tests in an effort to ascertain the problem. After reading various posts on here I discovered it was the fuel that was causing the problem. After 1-week of not taking hule my abdominal pain disappeared completely. I have always had a very life and my diet has 4 years been very high in fibre. The worrying thing about so many instances of huel causing abdominal pain, is that no one seems to know no what it is exactly in the ingredients that is so damaging. It is easy for the representatives of the company to dismiss such illness as some form of allergy or intolerance but they do not appear to be medically qualified. The truth of the matter is that I had no idea what I was eating when I took this stuff. It seems to contain a lot of addatives. I would not take this stuff again and I would not recommend that any one else does either following my awful and worrying experiences.

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Welcome to the forums, Bud!

Hey Bud - not medically qualified but formally qualified in nutrition here.

It’s very difficult with something like this to ascertain what the problem is. You visited the doctor and they couldn’t determine the issue. The problem may well have gone without you stopping Huel, kind of like when people take supplements for a cold.

It may seem like a lot of cases when concentrated onto one post on the Huel forum but really it’s a tiny, tiny percentage of the overall number of Hueligans and even then, like I said, the cause could be anything and could vary.

A lot of the ingredients that you may not recognise are simply the names of the vitamins and minerals in the micronutrient blend. If there are any ingredients that jump out to you in particular, let me know and I can run you through them.

Hi Dan,

With respect, there is a huge difference between being a qualified, practicing medical professional and a nutritionist. The abdominal pains disappeared when I stopped taking Huel and reappeared within a day of resuming it. I carried out this investigation into cause and effect three times. It is the Huel that caused my abdominal pain, sorry. I think that you would agree that anything ingested which causes pain should be ceased as the body’s way of telling us that it is harmful. Also, you cannot accurately say how many cases of illness occur by taking Huel, as it is highly unlikely that all cases are reported. Sorry, but my experience was dreadful and very worrying.

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I’m pretty sure that Dan states that he is not medically qualified but also pointed to the fact that your “qualified, practicing medical professional” also couldn’t tell you what was causing it. Not trying to persuade you to stick with it but I’d have to agree with Dan that it’s a very small portion that have pains to the extreme that you have had.

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Everyone can be sensitive to anything, and everything will be a problem to someone - everything - even the perfect product you’ll have some 1 star reviews. In the end, it could just not be for you. I’ve referred 5 friends to Huel and none have any issues including myself after switching immediately from high carb low fiber foods to Huel. The product is great - but if you believe it is specifically causing you any issues then I agree you should withdraw.

Just an example, its like saying becoming vegan is horrible and unhealthy because someone had a bad experience after eating meat again as you’ll probably experience pain and possible vomiting or other conditions.


Exactly. My point was that my doctor was unable to diagnose any conventional malady. Attention was then placed on my diet. I was making the point that my acute abdominal pains were being caused by the huel. I would respectfully suggest that huel should carry a warning, stating that in an unknown number of people huel can have an adverse reaction leading to abdominal pains. It would certainly alleviate a lot of discomfort and anxiety in your customers, and surely you would want to facilitate this as part of your customer care programme. Thank you.

I disagree. There is nothing in huel that needs a warning label. Whatever you are experiencing is a problem with your body, not the product.

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I don’t want to see ambiguously worded “warning” that some people may have an allergy to some ingredient.

Many products summarize the technical list of ingredients for convenience: contains nuts, wheat, eggs, milk … that’s sufficiently informative that there is no need for a scary/off-putting general warning.

Are you experiencing digestive issues with other foods? Troubleshooting this problem would likely require more information if you want to understand it well enough to fix it. You might just walk away from Huel and not look back, but if you continue to have issues with other foods then this experience with Huel (gluten free, vegan) may be a useful point of data in describing the whole health scenario.


You’re absolutely right Bud, doctors receive much less nutritional training :wink:

Thanks for the extra info. Absolutely if you feel Huel isn’t for you, it’s not for you. I’m not here to tell you otherwise.

All I’m asking is not to sound an alarm on something that has a relatively high level of uncertainty, abdominal pains can have many causes, and any food can cause them. It’s possible you don’t get on with a new ingredient in your diet such as the flaxseed in Huel but a warning label will not be placed on Huel.


You’re absolutely right Bud, doctors receive much less nutritional training :wink:

Because the practice of nutrition is not a profession, the practice of medicine is :smirk: