Huel saved my life in one week

Well, today I am getting a reminder of what I already knew, but hope I might be wrong about. I am not cured, only much, much better. I do not know if it is this cold I caught or what might have caused it to be a bit worse today, but I awoke with that horrid sensation of tenesmus. It is not painful today, but I anyone has had a cast on their arm and and itch you could not scratch, that might be the closest I can explain the annoyance factor. I am not too worried at the moment, but I wanted more sleep, but can’t lay down without the sensation making me crazy. Once I got up, it is better, but still there. I am still sticking to Huel and water, but added back the enzymes and peppermint oil routine I had used last week until I got better.

I can also feel my intestines narrowing a bit again down there. Not blocked, but obviously narrowed a bit. If this is Crohn’s, I think I am figuring out a good way to manage it as best as I can myself. Whatever the actual name of this disease is, I do know I had systemic inflammation of many organs and the one place the inflammation seems to remain is in the intestines. Huel may well be a good management protocol in terms of diet for me long term for the exact reason I appreciate it. It provides a highly consistent form of nutrition, and my system needs all the consistency it can get. After many days on Huel, I suspect the removal of inflammatory foods from my diet allowed the inflammation to subside enough to allow the blockage to clear enough to move things along. Keeping a constant flow of Huel seems to allow everything to move past the problem now, without pain or severe blockage. The nutrition provided is helping my body to heal as much as it can, but I have a feeling this is going to be part of a bigger process to try to come up with an actual routine to follow to keep as much consistency in my life as I can, thereby improving my ability to manage it. What this does underscore in my mind is that although this may not ever stop the inflammation of my intestines, it will help prevent inflammation in general, thereby helping me to reduce my symptoms, and have a more normal life. That is my theory at this point.

I am seeing a colitis specialist, so we’ll see what she says. If I can at least confirm the Crohn’s, it will give me some peace to move forward with plans to keep doing this. I may have to add some medication into the mix, if I can’t manage it well through lifestyle changes alone. I would prefer not to have to do that, as the Crohn’s medications sound a bit scary.

Anyway, given the level of success I achieved very quickly, there is something to this to at least help me manage it much better than before. I am finally calming down a bit and trying to face the good news with a bit more objectivity. I would say that I feel better with the cold than expected. I was so malnourished before, colds lasted longer than normal. I am actually feeling better already, and I thought it was going to be rough last night. So, onward and upward. Still Hueling and loving it, but only time will tell how well it works for managing this and whether it will have any improvement of the root cause in the long term.

Thanks for bearing with me. It has been a lot to sort through, so my apologies for my over-enthusiasm about it last week. I just started feeling better than my mind could process. It is amazing, there is much to be learned from it, but I do not know what it may really “mean” for people like me yet.


So, I had the flu, not a cold. I resisted the cold medicine through a moderate fever, but once it went above 103, I decided to take acetaminophen. The only thing I had with it was cold medicine. It am not really concerned over taking such things, but simply am coming out of this thinking differently. I have no idea how the medications are made or what they actually do to my body, so even if they could relieve symptoms, maybe it is not wise to head to them as the first resort, but keep them as a last resort, or at least just not the first; that’s all. I just want to be more selective over what I ingest now.

I am still on Huel and water alone and have no issues after 17 days. I still do not crave variation at all for fairly simple reasons. I am not hungry on Huel and I think of Huel as fuel, not food. I am not drinking it for taste, but I love what is does for me. Worst case, if it is a little hard to get down, I remind myself I need the nutrition to continue recovering and I get it down.

One other observation so far; my teeth are now whiter. I am sure a lot of that is stopping coffee, but whatever it is, they went from yellow to off white, so that is a nice plus. My gums seem much healthier on the outside, but unfortunately with my processing all of what is happening, I forgot to floss recently. I flossed last night and although on the outside, the gums are pink and tight, in between the teeth is another bloody story. I am thinking to see a dentist soon too. My teeth have been the least of my concerns, so I did not go for a while, but as I try to move forward with this, I would like to know if they would advise of any potential concerns to watch for.

Anyway, no issues to report and only benefits so far. I hope to get to the right specialist to actually diagnose what I had and help me understand my options moving forward, but I still do plan to keep on Huel and water so long as it proves safe, and I don’t see a downside. I am going to make an appointment for another blood test around September 20th and will report the results of that. If I notice anything interesting in between, I will be sure to report though.

Just wanted to share some good news. My Mother has been on Huel and water less than a week and she reports the same results with the eye inflammation I did; she has no idea either.

She also has numerous health issues at 80, so she was sitting around a lot. Today, she was digging potatoes. Her GI issues are still present, but fading along with the inflammation. I do not claim to be able to name what I had, but she was actually diagnosed for colitis years ago, and the only one I even know of that would make sense would be Crohn’s. We have nearly identical symptoms, based on what she told me, so one of us was obviously misdiagnosed.

Anyway, I live far away from her, so I could not see her progress, but her voice on the phone changed markedly. She sounded frail and weak before, but she has a lot more energy in her voice now. Looks like Huel is changing her life too. If she gives me more updates on her progress, I will share.


Aww, how sweet! Love that we could be a part of getting your mom back out in the garden. :blush:


We’ve got some similar issues. Did you ever serve in the military during the Gulf War or were you around and very close to someone who did for an extended period of time? Like a significant other before your issues started?

There is a theory running around the GWI is something that can be passed on. There are a number of families where significant others and children are coming down with similar symptoms to GW Vets. Its looked at a bit like a UFO/Bigfoot sighting in the medical community but I am aware of a couple of DoD studies looking into it.

I’m a Gulf War Vet dealing with some of the same issues. Huel had the same extremely positive effect on me as well. It’s very hard to explain to people the pain and lack of energy that you deal with when your insides are on fire. You look completely normal to other people so they can’t understand all the complaints. Since I started on Huel I’ve turned 180 in terms of my medical health. Like you I am starting to gain muscle mass. I’m actually gaining weight (something I have had trouble with previously).

I know I am not cured as I have tried some regular stuff and ended up bed ridden for 2 days as a result but when I stick with Huel I am like a completely different person.

Hang in there and welcome to the rest of the human race!

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Thanks very much for the information and encouragement. No, I never served, and don’t know anyone, but am very pleased it helped you. I do think Huel has a lot of potential for a many things in medicine, but needs more scientific data to back it up. I know myself how I might look to others, so public perception is a take it or leave it concept. All I know for sure now is that I am not sure of much of anything right now.

Unfortunately, my weight gains went the other direction when I caught the flu. I am down to 172 lbs, so the lowest in my adult life, but I am feeling great, so hopefully I can get in more Huel and get headed in the other direction soon. I am going to try for eight servings of Huel tomorrow, but at that amount, I am going to be pushing myself to get it in. Drinking cold water with it helps, so long as you don’t try to go to fast…newsflash, there is limit to how much liquid your stomach will allow in a short period of time and the effect is pretty unpleasant.

I am shocked that I am almost a week later and still do not have an appointment with a specialist yet. I am going to call my doctor and bug them. If that fails, I am skipping the local doctors and getting Grand Rounds to hook me up with a top doctor instead. Now that I can more reasonably travel, I might have to do that to get any real answers and some peace.

My Mother proved I am not cured for me. She decided to go bad to normal food for a couple of days and her vision became worse, as did her GI issues. I don’t know what she ate, but she has had similar reactions so far, so I am not chancing it, unless I must.

Best of luck to you and thanks for the encouragement.

Yesterday marked three weeks of Huel and water. From a nutrition standpoint, things are still going great, but I wish I could say things are going smoothly in terms of my recovery. I am still struggling with the GI issues, even though the pain and inflammation subsided, and I do think I am still improving physically. It is better, but still interfering with my life a lot. The issues do make me anxious, as they are much of the same basic issues I always struggled with, although the intensity is much more manageable now. I am still doing well on the Huel only diet, as I am making tiny adjustments to improve the management of it all, that are much easier to gauge due to the consistency of the diet. It will be a process, but I still think I may get there on my own before the doctors do. I am still just waiting for an appointment to be made with the colitis specialist. The health care system here leaves much to be desired.

Adding to my distress, my most recent order was screwed up. I went ahead and setup a subscription for 16 of the vanilla gluten free to be delivered every three weeks. I am not even sure that will cover three weeks, but what I received was 16 of the unsweetened and unflavored that is asking a bit much to drink all the time. The order even shows as unfulfilled on the site, so I am sure it was just a mistake, but now I am anxious because I am running a bit low. I had to make an emergency order off of Amazon again at a higher cost and hope it arrives before I run out. So long as that is not screwed up too, I should not have an issue, unless my order from Huel get screwed up again. I guess until I get some answers about my diagnosis, I will have to ensure I have enough to compensate for mistakes like this. It seem to have one supply problem after another, and I had thought that would be the easy part of this. I am sure I could drink the unsweetened if I had to, but I would rather not open and return it. I am all about eliminating anything I can, but I need the flavored version to keep doing this.

Hey Johnnie, so sorry to hear about your order mixup. I am contacting our fulfillment center right now and I’m going to get this resolved for you. Again, my apologies for this inconvenience. I got you!

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Thanks for helping. I do not know why it was sent, but I got 1 bag of gluten free vanilla Huel delivered today. Can you please find out where the other 15 are? Alex Willet responded to my support email, and said he placed a new order for 16 bags of the gluten free vanilla Huel on Saturday, but I have no tracking details or order information for that, and all I have now is the bag of gluten free vanilla delivered this morning. I am going to be struggling soon, if I don’t get my order issues resolved. I go through a lot of Huel right now.

Hey Johnnie, not to worry! I had our fulfillment center overnight you one pouch to hold you over while they ship the remaining 15 pouches to you. :+1: The remainder of your order is scheduled to arrive on Thursday 9/13. I will private message you with your tracking number.

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Excellent. Thanks very much for going the extra mile to help me with this issue. It is very much appreciated.


Today is five weeks of Huel only. I feel confident to say that Huel is truly amazing in so many ways, but it doesn’t seem like it will be enough to get me over the finish line by itself. Whatever is the root cause of my issues, the early and rapid improvement with Huel had led me to believe it would resolve everything in time. I now realize I am keeping it in check with the Huel and exercise, but it is fighting back. Red patches on my face pop up and disappear quickly, I had a mouth ulcer start and stop on the same day, and my GI issues are frequently trying to flare-up, but can’t get a foothold. To give you an example of the current state of my journey, I pushed through some GI concerns on Wednesday morning to drive to the Rocky Mountains and get in a good hike, as the more I exercise, the better I tend to feel. I took two servings of Huel with me, but that was not enough. Based on the app I used to track everything, the hiking alone burned about 1900 calories. So, I rode home on an empty stomach, which really seems to be an issue on a Huel only diet. All I know for sure is that I had a lot of upper GI distress and pain in my stomach. I kept drinking water to calm it a bit, but it was a long ride home. After I drank the Huel, I was feeling much better, but then my wife throws some fuel on the fire. We had a nice plan for my birthday this Saturday, starting in the morning to go hike the Ute trail all the way down to the meadow, then come home and spend time together after a nice day of hiking. Sounds great, but she had never bothered to put in for the time off, so she can’t get time off now. I won’t get into details, but we definitely have some things to work out between us in terms of work/life balance. Anyway, whether it was the stress or because of the empty stomach for a while, my GI issues were the worst they had been since I started getting better and I could not sleep all night, and most of the day yesterday because of them. Today I am fine again, but it has been an every other day roller coaster ride for about a week. I am hoping to see if I can manage it enough to give me peace on my birthday tomorrow.

The bottom line is the Huel has proven not to be a cure for me, and I never really thought it would be. It has proven time and again to be extremely helpful in clearly the noise to start understanding what is going on better. The extreme consistency helps me to remove food mostly from the equation in terms of symptoms progression or regression. Whatever the case, I had a patch of my tongue become clear, while the rest still looks fairly diseased, although far better than before. My doctor took one look at it and told me I have the worst case of oral thrush he has seen, even worse than his cancer and HIV patients. He asked how long I had it, and I told him I have had the issues for as long as I can remember, and even brought it up with several doctors. I told him it was worse when he had looked too, and I thought that is what he meant by the partially diseased looking tongue. Apparently, he was referring to the swelling and had not noticed the rest?? Anyway, the contrast of the clean tongue led him to see how bad it is, and he put me on a 10 day course of Fluconazole. He thinks this might knock out a lot of the remaining problems, so fingers crossed. After reading up on it, I might not have even had the flu. Supposedly, a rapid candida die off can cause something called a Herxheimer reaction in which case you have all the key symptoms of the flu, including a fever. My son had been sick, so I presumed we had the same thing, but he says his symptoms were different and he had no fever. Perhaps that was the initial die off? I don’t know, but it looks like I might already be prepared anyway. Supposedly, it is important to help boost the liver while taking the antifungal, which I have been doing for a week or so. Maybe dealing with all of that is what led me to think my liver was having issues, but perhaps it is just working hard dealing with the battle and if the war can be won, it will be fine.

So, my doctor did not recommend the blood test right now. He said Huel is obviously working well for me, and although he wants me to consider eating more variation if I get past the remaining challenges, he agrees it is working very well, and his only reservations about staying solely on it are due to his understanding of human evolution. The entire scientific method is based on studies and measuring results. My study of one means little in the larger scale of things, but the longer I can keep at it, the more interesting the data becomes, at least to me. It is in my nature to ignore the supposed “facts” we are given and figure out what I believe. I am not always right, but from a nutrition standpoint,

I see Huel as a better solution than other food, in most every way. The downsides so far are a hypersensitivity to an empty stomach. I could go with an empty stomach for days before, but now the reaction is immediate and urgent. If I drink it too fast, it feels like it can cause some acid reflux, although it seems to help that overall, according to my Mother. I did not have acid reflux before, so this is a negative for me, but is not really a negative, since all foods have limits on consuming too much too fast. The gas from Huel is definitely noxious, but if my GI issues are not too bad, neither is that now. Other than that, I don’t see any downsides. It is quick, inexpensive, worry free nutrition. I am slowly starting to add back some muscle too, so all positives and no negatives right now. It is a massive lifestyle change, but for me, it is more improvements than negatives. I always wanted to just get meals overwith, but given my association with eating was pain, that should come as little surprise. So, I don’t miss the concept of sitting down to a nice meal because I gave that up long ago. My condition kept me from being social, so the social pressures surrounding food are minimal anyway. The only thing I truly give up is cravings, but those keep fading the longer I am away from other food. It would be nice to erase my memory of pizza and ice cream entirely, but I really don’t crave them as much as recall the taste. I also understand what those things had done to my health no, so it is a pretty easy to keep myself on target.

This has droned on into more of an update than I had planned, but I hope something I provide in my writing will help someone else. So far, my Mother has gone back to a Huel only diet too, and she is back to feeling better. Her acid reflux and GI issues are almost gone; after being on Huel enough, we compared notes more and although similar, he issues are a little different and she feels the Huel is on track to fully remedy her GI symptoms and systemic inflammation. My wife is on two servings per day, and her CIC she has had all of her life is under control completely as of now. My 17 year old son is now drinking it a couple of times a day too. He says it is way better in taste and effect than the whey protein powder he had been drinking. My wife went back to Virginia and was telling everyone about it, so my family is hooked now. My Father is the only one who tried it and hates it, but that is likely because my Mother presented it wrong. She loves the taste, but I can imagine he would not. She probably offered it to him in the context of food, and not in the context of medicine that might just help fix his issues some too. He has had fluid building around his lung constantly for month, having to repeatedly get it drained, yet the doctors just lead him through endless hoops with no real direction or hope for a solution. It might be a long shot that Huel could fix him too, but he apparently took one taste and says he is not drinking it. I am going to try to work on him some. His diet is terrible, so I expect at least some of his issues are related. I know some people would prefer to have their cravings rather that do what is needed to help themselves, so there is only so much I can do. For every person that is helped some by my experience, it makes it easier for me to keep up my own fight, if that makes sense.

I will leave it at that for now, but I am including one picture of my recent hike, Huel in hand. Unfortunately, the Huel logo would be upside down if I took a picture of my good side, so this is the best selfie I could manage of my half paralyzed face while standing on rocks, and trying to frame the shot. I know I still don’t look very healthy, but from malnourished and feeling half dead a month ago, to a 7.5 mile hike, I am well on my way to looking and feeling my best, once I get past the hurdles that led me here.


Has your doctor thought of testing your pH ?

idk what specifically made me think of that, it’s another point of data … maybe with enough points a picture will emerge. :slight_smile:

It’s good that you keep a positive focus

Thanks very much. No doctor has mentioned anything about pH. I had measured it myself before and it was off. You make a good suggestion in terms of that as a data point. I had ordered test strips years ago, and some things were interesting as I changed diets, but I don’t know what most of it really meant. I don’t recall my pH, but I think it was acidic. I believe there is something about pH and candida too, so I’ll get the test strips now and run it by my doctor when I go back in a month. Thanks for sharing. This has been quite a fight, so all suggestions are welcomed.

I appreciate the encouragement too. It is tough to stay positive and my mood is tied to my health. On the good days, being positive is easy, but the bad days are rough and it is best for noone to be around me on those days.

It is way too soon to draw any conclusions, but I think my doctor was right. I felt better today than I have since I made the first post. After what I thought was the flu, it never really gave me a fully good day until today. It could be coincidence too, since my system was really messed up Wednesday night, so there is no normal to judge by very well. Fingers crossed that $2.05 of medication might actually fix this for good. The candida thing does make a lot of sense. I grew up drinking a ton of soda, jars of jam and brown sugar, so I had a sweet tooth for a long time. My understanding is those are the favorite foods. I was a lot better in more recent years, but perhaps it was too late to stop it via diet alone.


Hey man, I don’t really know anything but nutrition or anything so I do not have any advice on that but I just want to say that you are awesome. I love the fact that you are so positive and tough throughout your ordeal. Please continue to post as I am genuinely interested in your progress. Hang in there man, you got this. Love the picture by the way!!! Huel should use it.


That is very kind of you. I really appreciate the encouragement. The past couple of days have been rough, so it is perfect timing. Stress doesn’t seem to be the cause my problems, from what I can tell, but it sure amplifies the symptoms.

I did get to see the gastroenterologist Grand Rounds set up for me today. He is way better than any other I had seen. He spent about thirty minutes with me, went over my symptoms in detail and he believes it is a neurological issue. He said it would be considered IBS, but he was good enough to admit that is not actually a diagnosis of anything; he said he thinks he can help me though. He said the Huel eliminated the diet aspect of the diagnostic process, so it is down to immune and neurological at this point. The immune should not be the issue because I was treated with Xifaxan just before Huel and the antifungal just recently. Given I am only on Huel, the chances of it being a food allergy are slim, so that leaves neurological. He put me on two medications to try to keep my digestive system from overreacting to everything. I had been given several medications in the past in attempts to help, but they were ineffective, and he said he was not surprised, given the medication tried.

The Huel only diet is not the magic bullet I had hoped for, but I still believe it is part of the way through this once and for all. I have noticed a decline in energy levels, but I know that is because I can’t get restful sleep. I am just starting to see the patterns of how it seems to be absorbed by my body and stress and sleep deprivation seem to have a marked impact on nutrient absorbtion from what I can tell. If it was not such a difficult situation, I would find this science experiment pretty cool. It changes your perspective a bit when you can more precisely gauge how your body is working. Unfortunately, I have learned that no amount of Huel compensates well for too little rest, but I am still loving how it works for me overall. Now I just need to get everything else sorted out so I can make the most of it.

Thanks again for the nice message.


Thank you for sharing your story. I just ordered my first batch of Huel so I haven’t gotten to try it yet. After reading about your experience, I’m going to recommend Huel to my sister, who has fibromyalgia, IBS, lupus and other inflammatory issues. I think my first batch is arriving today - I can’t wait to try it for myself!

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Let us know what you think and if your sister gives it a try! Happy Hueling!!

I really hope it works well for you and hope your sister considers trying it. After all the chaos I have been going through with it all, it is hard to easily quantify what Huel has done for me, but I do know it is invaluable. It was not “the” solution, but it is part of “my” solution. I hope it will prove to be part of solutions for others, as it really seems to be the perfect tool for working through many diet related conditions. If your sister tries it, please do share the results. I think the more people who it successfully to correct issues via diet, the more it will catch on for that purpose.

I just passed two months on Huel and water and I cannot imagine going back now. After this long avoiding anything else, I have had some interesting experiences lately. One of the most interesting was just a few days ago. I happened to notice a Tony Roma’s restaurant in the area. We loved the Tony Roma’s restaurants in Niagara Falls, but had not had one near us where we lived before. A full rack of ribs there was one of the best meals I ever had. One would expect after two months of Huel, it would be hard to resist, but I had an unexpected reaction once I pictured a rack of barbecue ribs on a plate…I felt nauseous. I was a little surprised, but apparently although the thought of such foods is appealing on the surface, if I really imagine eating eat, I am not at all interested. I don’t attribute the reaction to Huel, but simply due to abstaining from anything other than Huel for two months. I had noticed my taste adapting early on, but I swear my body is figuring out what is good and bad and adjusting its reactions. Although part of me thought it sounded a bit hard to imagine, I believe the science is there to support it. We already react to the thought of lots of things that could make us sick to eat. Part of it is instinctive and part is by drawing on memories of things that were harmful. In my case, I seem to have developed a severe sensitivity to something without knowing what, so I have mentally made an association of foods that are traditionally unhealthy as foods that make me worse. That may not even be true honestly, but the thought of most heavy and rich foods now makes me feel nauseous. I still have a little craving at the initial thought of some foods, but it goes away as soon as I think about the actual food and not the memory of it.

After the past two very crazy months, I am only able to understand what I have been going through objectively after getting further away from specific moments. To be blunt, the combination of the long battle with near constant torture, escalating stress due to declining health, and several other major stressors, my mind pretty much shattered for a bit. The closest analogy would be a dam bursting. I was trying to contain and control everything until it was just too much and the dam burst. The first week or so was euphoria and delusions, not really believing much of anything was real. Two months after such a significant mental break and I am finally feeling more in control again. The mission to fix myself didn’t make it any easier to maintain mental stability, as almost everything I have been doing for two months has been related to trying to get better both mentally and physically. It is bad enough to focus on the physical challenges of figuring all of this out, but I had never expected it would cause me to struggle with a flood of emotions that left me unstable. Just like a dam bursting, it take a while for the water to drain completely. It slows down and eventually becomes a tickle in a rather linear fashion. I think the emotional overload has been fading in the same way. This past weekend was significant for me because I was actually able to focus on something else for a while. Although I have been much better on Huel, I still have a lot of issues that are very hard to put out of my mind.

On Saturday, I was feeling really good again, probably the best I have felt for a whole day since the first week or so on Huel. There are a few likely reasons for the changes. I have not posted the details for a while, so I will give a quick summary of what happened. After one month of Huel and water, avoiding medications or supplements as much as possible, I was stuck, not really getting any better, and felt like I was getting a bit worse. So, I did a stupid thing out of desperation. I did not expect it was stupid and thought I was proceeding intelligently at first, but I started supplementing again. I added a liver cleanse to the mix, thought it might be helping but could not be sure, then I stumbled on a supplement called d-Limonene that is supposed to help with bile flow, so I started taking that. The stress of it all was getting to me, so I researched and found an adrenal fatigue supplement. Before I knew it, a little over two weeks later and I was in rough shape.

I decided to stop taking all of those and settled on a more manageable approach. The gastroenterologist said it sounds like my remaining issues are likely due to constant spasms in my colon combined with visceral hypersensitivity. All previous treatments for that were not successful, but he is trying me on buspirone and zofran as somewhat atypical treatments that he thinks may be more successful. The buspirone is to calm the nerves in my intestines and the zofran will help with spasms. So, the buspirone may help with the pain, the zofran may control the spasms, and the Huel takes care of the food related issues. The main thing that was left in all of that was the way my body processes the Huel. It has been problematic compared to others in my family, and by my observations, it still seemed like I needed some help. The enzymes did nothing, and the liver supplements made me worse, so I went back to probiotics. The problem is that I have tried lots of probiotics; thousands of dollars worth over the years, with little to no effect. I even tried some at high doses. This time, I did some research on current knowledge. It seems the probiotics of years ago are jokes compared to some of the more advanced ones these days. The most powerful one I tried was VSL#3, and it worked a little, but was very limited. After some research, I found Garden of Life RAW Ultimate Probiotics. It has 100 billion CFU, 34 strains, prebiotics and enzymes. I bought a bottle and after one pill, I realized it was doing something. It was quite painful at first, but it was making obvious changes, and seemed to be breaking down the Huel much better, making it easier to get through my system.

Before I run on too long with all the details, here is what I am observing about the current treatments.

Huel - I am making one gallon jugs of it at a time now, drinking a little more than one gallon a day. I have not had any issues with food related energy, and have found it increasingly easy to stick with. Unless you are someone who has made this kind of change, most will likely see it as impossibly difficult to imagine, but it has been remarkably easy. The only cheating I did at all was limited. I have had a piece of chocolate a few times in the past two months, but I have not completed the entire bar in this time. Other than that, and the green tea, I have been Huel only and loving it.

Buspirone - The doctor wants me to reach 30mg per day, but I have not been able to manage more than 10mg per day yet. I will keep trying to adjust, but the first two weeks left me almost bedridden. It takes the edge off of anxiety, which was nice, but it causes massive fatigue. I went from hiking in the mountains to having to pull myself up the stairs. I am supposed to take them morning and evening, but if I take it in the morning, I am done. I had to reduce the dosage and will see if I can adjust over time. I cannot see any difference in my digestive system based on what it is supposed to treat, but given the low dose I can take, I would not expect too much yet. I had been put on amitriptyline years ago but that proved impossible for me to adjust to and it never helped.

Zofran - This is normally prescribed for nausea. I can’t say it helped with the limited amount of that I experience, but he prescribed it to reduce spasms. I don’t really notice much difference at all with this medication yet.

RAW Ultimate Probiotics - I take one pill in the morning after my first Huel. The first week was pretty rough, as it hit the bad area by late afternoon or early evening. It basically felt like exactly what you might imagine . A bunch of microbes feasting on things that cause a lot of churning in there. After a couple of days of the usual rough mornings followed by painful afternoons, I felt like things were getting more “normal”. I won’t go into details, but things started looking closer to normal than I have seen in years with a bowel movement. This made me think about how the probiotic is likely affecting me and how to make it better. So I performed an experiment. I made a batch of Huel in the evening, opened a probiotic capsule and dumped the cotents into the jug of Huel. I knew being in the refrigerator, the microbes should stay mostly dormant, but was not sure what I would have in the morning. It did not ferment at all, and the taste was as expected. Drinking it all day with the Huel seems to work well, basically turning it into a probiotic drink. The capsules were not enteric coated anyway, so I would suspect there is little difference in the ability of the microbes to survive the stomach acid. Being mixed with the Huel might even improve it. Anyway, after a few days of that, I decided to add the one pill back in the morning to see how I would tolerate it and it is much less painful now. I don’t know if I just adjusted or the mix was the key. The downside seems to be that the effect is not as strong as I adjust, but it is helpful, and I can just increase the probiotics over time to compensate.I do not know if these specific probiotics are really special, or if all the changes I have gone through have cleared issues to allow them to work. The physical and emotional effects of all of this have been dramatic, so all bets are off in trying to figure anything out conclusively, but here is my latest theory.

RAW Iron/B12/Folate Supplements - I have taken these off and on to combat lightheadedness. Supposedly, my anemia has cleared up, but I was taking these during the last blood panel, so that might be why. I am going to stop them and get an iron panel test done soon. I had unspecified anemia earlier this year, but it was presumed to be due to the general malnutrition.

I probably do have what is called IBS. I do not believe in IBS as a diagnosis unless they want to do the work to break it into appropriate subcategories. The diagnostic processes used in my case were flawed and an effective diagnosis was never made. As the gastroenterologist stated, he sees IBS as having three typical causes. It can be diet, immune or neurological. After he literally drew a picture making it clear, I think the reason I have struggled to get help for so long is because mine has been caused by all three, and fixing one any less than completely does not offset the other two enough to provide the motivation that the treatment was effective. So, let me break it down a bit.

Diet - Although I eliminated every type of food at one point or another, I never eliminated all unhealthy and potentially allergenic foods at one time. That left me with residual issues indicating no real improvement when factoring in the immune an neurological issues. After converting to Huel, I had noticeable physiological changes demonstrating long term inflammation had been present, and there was phenomenal improvement to my digestive system for about a week. The reason for the one week was being delusional about it all, so I had no stress, eliminating the neurological component for that time. I had also finished a course of Xifaxan just before switching to Huel, so if there were harmful microbes, many wee dead, so all three causes were eliminated for a week or so. My diet was really bad as a child, and off and on until my late thirties, so all bets are off on what damage that might have done. If I had to guess, it is either dairy, sugar, nuts, and/or some forms of protein. I used to eat half gallons of ice cream for dinner in my twenties…Anyway, don’t know and don’t really care since Huel fixed that.

Immune - The Xifaxan treatment had no effect that I could tell, but may have provided a window for the Huel to have more dramatic effect, due to the timing. The antifungal my doctor had prescribed proved useless too, and had no effect on my tongue or any other symptoms, but it should have eliminated any candida issues. I have also had numerous autoimmune panels over the years, so I should not have an immune disorder, according to modern medicine. Perhaps all the clearing of microbes, then putting only Huel in there allowed for the probiotics to work this time. All I know is I started taking them and for once, I can see at least some positive effects. I did some research on the upper limits of what you can take, and it seems to be somewhat untested. I did read of one person taking as many as 1 trillion CFU in a day, and said it was a bit too much. I am not going to ramp it up any for now, but it is always good to know that you can use more of something that works. One way or another, I will find a recipe that works for me with it.

Neurological - From what I am told, the digestive system nervous system functions mostly independently from the CNS. The theory is the buspirone will act as a tranquilizer for my digestive system. That sounds great, other than it also acts as a tranquilizer for everything else. The Zofran is supposed to keep it from being in constant spasms. I would be the first to admit I have had issues with anxiety a lot in my life anyway, but with the stresses of modern life, it is hard to know when you are just stressed as anyone would be, or have a disorder. Until recently, I would have said it was only stress, but the only thing I know for sure, is that I know nothing for sure. I want to get evaluated by a psychologist, as I cannot objectively determine if my stress levels are reasonable or not. From my perspective, I think my reactions have been more than reasonable under the circumstances, but I want to be objective about it all. I do know that deep breathing helps ease the suffering, and stress makes it much worse, so one way or another, I will need to learn how to control it better and not just ignore it like I always did before. So, the only time the neurological issues have been out of the way was the initial recovery from the Huel. After that, I started worrying because it was getting worse, so the stress of getting worse compounded the issue of getting past the initial flood of benefits the Huel gave me, I am not going to discount anxiety as the source of everything, for all I really know. I think I would accept the diagnosis of sun spots or something, if there was a definitive solution, so I am not sensitive about the potential causes.

So, over the years, I tried several diets, due to my own research and ideas. Doctors only recommended low FODMAP, which is most likely not the cause. The doctors gave me loads of antispasmodics, laxatives and such. I was also put on a number a medications to try to treat neurological issues. I believe nothing was effective in my case because I need combination therapy to notice the effects of any therapy. Now that I am hitting all of the angles, I think I have a chance of really beating this. Worst case, I think I will have it much more manageable, but I want to beat this damned thing, not just manage it. I am going to keep at it until I exhaust all options or figure this out.

I have gone on way too long with this, but I am trying to provide whatever information I can, to help others. I do not see Huel as a cure for me, but at a minimum, it is the key part in the diagnostic process that is allowing my to sort this out finally. I am pretty sure the combination of things required to help me is not going to work for most, but I would urge anyone with almost any health condition to try Huel and water for one week. Anyone at risk for dietary complications should be careful, but for most, it is just food, so all you have to do is put forth effort for one week to see if it may help, and potentially allow you to figure out the next step you need to take to feel better. I think anyone truly suffering from chronic problems would be willing to go on Huel and water for one week to at least see if it helps. Then again, the human condition is pretty crazy. My Mother has stopped her Huel routine because my Father was upset because she would not eat with him. My Father took one sip of Huel and hated it without considering it might help improve his quality of life with all of his health issues. They are both in their eighties, so I can’t judge them for not prioritizing their health at this point, but it shows that some people are not willing to make hard choices to solve their health problems. If nothing else, I really hope my story will inspire those who are as far gone as I was to try. My story will be better once I can post a message that I have unlocked the final mysteries and have a sustained period of no issues.

I have said this sort of thing before, but as wordy as I get, I think it is important to note it again. I am not suggesting my plan is cure, but it is an invaluable diagnostic step that can allow many people to find a way to their own answers. I would highly recommend keeping a daily journal of how many calories you are taking in, whether you ingest anything other than Huel, how you feel each day in general, how you feel about the condition you are trying to fix, anything you can about exercise or activities you believe could affect things, and whatever else comes to mind. Being able to look back and review the early data has had two positive benefits; I can see patterns I would not have seen, and it allowed me to really understand how much the pain has improved, in spite of still dealing with it. The difference in the overall severity is very large when problems last hours at a time instead of weeks. When you feel bad for a while on most days, you get lost in it, and lose your perspective. Sometimes it is more important to focus on the fact you are getting better and be less focused on whether you are better.

Apologies for the extremely lengthy post, but hopefully someone finds some value. I spent a ridiculous amount of time searching forums for answers all these years, so it is good to be able to be on the other side now and try to help anyone who is searching right now.


Wow - quite a journey! I’m sorry you’ve had such a hard time but I’m glad you are doing better.

I mentioned Huel to my 84-year-old Mom and she was not interested, although she says all the time that she hates eating and wished she could just take a pill instead. Oh well…

I emailed the information to my sister last night and sent her a link to the testimonials page. If she’s interested, I might sacrifice a shake or two from my order and send her a couple to sample. I’m loving it - I’ve done Huel for lunch only since Friday and I’ll transition to breakfast and lunch at the end of this week. My husband is about to start too!

Best of luck to you - I hope you continue to improve!