Huel H&S as Backpacking food

The H&S makes a great base for DYI backpacking meals. Each meal needs a bit of a kick to really work and not be too boring. I’ve been adding raisins, hot sauce, a dash of olive oil, sometimes some ground nuts, or some smashed up corn chips to make things more interesting & boost the calories. For ultralight backpacking meals, it works well. It’s a bit pricy compared to mixing your own from scratch, but much less than commercial (i.e. Mountain House) meals.

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Trus story…:+1::point_right::boom:

If you have a mixing bottle w/the extra compartment on it that can hold powder, taking some shake mix out w/you hits the spot, too

Huel is great for any backpacking journey and will keep you fueled up! Glad to hear it is keeping you fueled up during your adventures💪