How I got the unsweetened to taste decent

I thought I’d share how I got the “unsweetened” huel to taste bearable. I try to avoid artificial sweeteners as best I can, even Stevia, since there is so much unknown about it and its long-term health effects. My method isn’t perfect and it increases the cost per meal. I only have huel for lunch and try to eat healthy meals for breakfast / dinner.

I use only two scoops instead of three (which I think helps with some of the gastric reaction but I do this because of the berries I add to it). For the rest, in a blender I :

  1. Start with half a bottle (1 cup) of hint water. I prefer cherry, personally. I use half but a whole makes the flavor better still, but half keeps cost down.

  2. I’ll put about another cup of cold water.

  3. I add just under 2 cups of mixed berries. I prefer strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries, generally even mix of the three but generally less on the blackberries. I’ll buy fresh and frozen but try to freeze them all before I put them into the blender.

  4. I add two Tbsp of peanut butter power. Sometimes I skip this. I find it helps mask the “earthy” taste of the unsweetened. Some people may not like the peanut butter / berry taste combined.

  5. I mix them all in the blender. I find this fills the huel shaker up to the plastic piece (I can’t think of what its called). I’ll take this to work and keep refrigerated. I’ll then take it out, fill it the rest of the way with water, shake it up, and let it sit in a freezer for 30ish minutes and I’ve enjoyed these for a while.

Anyways, I’ve perused topics on here for a while but just now decided to post something. The community here is great and huel has been a major part of my lifestyle changes / diet to help me lost weight. I’ve lost 17 pounds in 17 days. (I know that trajectory won’t last but huel is and important part of that for me).


There is one follow up to this that I was negligent in putting…

The PB powder has added sugar. I will probably stop using it once my current supply runs out. Something to keep in mind if you wanted to try something similar to what I did above.

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There is at least one brand of pb powder that doesn’t have added sugar:

I just got my first order of PBfit, which does have added sugar (only a couple grams per serving, so I’m ok with it) but if you like the added flavor it provides as much as I do, I’d encourage you to try an unsweetened one so you don’t have to go without.

Thanks so much for the input and recipe, this is great!:smile: So glad you’re enjoy your Huel journey so far​:muscle:

I just add 4 packets of Equal, makes it taste much better.

That certainly would work. I try to avoid artificial sweeteners though.