Heartburn caused by Huel

Hi all.

Almost immediately after I drink my lunch portion I get a heartburn, sometimes not too bothersome but often a really painful one.
I drink Huel once per day almost 5 days per week while I’m at work. I’m only mixing it with water. There is no difference between normal and glutenfree or between flavors (haven’t tried unflavored one). All cause heartburn.
Whole nuts and seeds don’t cause heartburn, it’s just Huel.
I really like Huel and would love to continue using it, but with heartburn side effects I cannot continue.
Maybe someone here has a similar side effect and know maybe how to solve it?

Oh no, @Macabre! This isn’t fun. We typically suggest that your Huel is blended well with lots of water, only small amounts are consumed at one time (max 2 scoops, sipped) and hot beverages are not consumed around the same time as consuming Huel. Give this a whirl and hopefully it will go away!

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My wife had the same issue. Alex’s advice is spot-on. She worked her way up from two scoops to three over time and no longer has the heartburn issue.


I started Huel a little over a month ago and have been having miserable stomach pain and acid reflux, I’ve had several episodes of such sever pain that It woke me in the middle of the night in tears. The last couple weeks I have been wondering about a possible ulcer and have been on PPIs, probiotics, and strictly avoiding all of the acid reflux triggers. Nothing has helped until the last couple days I haven’t had Any Huel and I was totally fine. The thought hadn’t occurred to me until after having Huel this morning and the pain has returned and seeing all the posts about huel causing refux and gastric pain, but now I’m pretty sure this is the cause. I’ve only ever done 2 watered down scoops and I drink hot tea quite freaquently after meals. I’m not so sure Huel is the right fit for me. However, my husband is totally fine drinking it and my brother (who is a professional mountain biker) has replaced all meals with it and completely swears by it, so I still think it’s a great product.

Oh no! I’m sorry to hear Huel might not work for you. We typically suggest that your Huel is blended well with lots of water, only small amounts are consumed at one time (max 2 scoops, sipped) and hot beverages are not consumed around the same time as consuming Huel. Maybe no more hot tea at the same time as Huel and hopefully it will go away!