Biggest Huel Fear

For the past several years I have been dealing with a hiatial hernia. With that I have had to deal with acid reflux as well.

Reading through the forums here and on Reddit, I’ve read several experiences where people have experienced acid reflux as a result of taking Huel. Which is something I do not understand and maybe I am missing something but I do not see any specific ingredients that would be a direct trigger for acid reflux?

That being said my greatest fear with Huel now is that it will trigger my acid reflux and I won’t be able to take full advantage of this product.

Is this something I should be concerned about with someone who has a hiatial hernia? If so is their anyway to work around this?

i also have a hiatial hernia (is that how you spell it? i never knew!) - my reflux was so bad that a sip of water would cause it to flare. my meds have a lot to do with controlling it now, but i know that if i am stupid with my food, i will still get the occasional flareup.

that being said, if you’ve got your personal reflux under control, i don’t think there is anything in Huel that should cause things to go boom. it all does depend on you though. what you’re mixing your huel with, that kind of stuff. it’s pretty tame, i’ve noticed that when i’m “properly” drinking it, (two meals a day) and not going overboard with my food at night, i’ve actually forgotten my meds once or twice and not had an issue.

good luck!

@shaunfather Greatly appreciate your feedback. That definitely puts me at ease. Thank you.

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I have acid reflux, as diagnosed by an endoscopy and the BRAVO pH study. I had some nasty reflux years ago, giving me sore throats and a cough. I went on proton pump inhibitors which fixed a lot of that. Although certain foods still give me reflux and I cough (but it’s not acidic due to the meds).

I have been drinking Huel for a few months. It is very easy to digest. No reflux from it, even when I add fruit and peanut butter. Unless there is a specific ingredient in it that you know causes you reflux, you’ll likely find it very easy for a hiatal hernia.

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@Deron Good to know that definitely makes me feel better. Thank You!

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Hi @wizardelite, I would just like to recommend something that might help if you’re suffering from hiatial hernia.

I have difficulties swallowing, especially liquids, and especially if they’re thin. Shakes work much better, even though I’m still slow.

For a while I tried something called IQoro.

It’s a Swedish invention that was supposed to be able to help me. I was a bit sceptical but it really worked! It used to take me over one minute to drink 0,5 decilitres of water, but after 6 weeks it took “only” 20 seconds. For some reason I stopped using it and unfortunately I’m back where I started. Anyway, as you can read if you click on the link, it can also help against reflux, snoring etc. (EDIT: Checked the FAQ and this one is not available in the US, unfortunately! :astonished:)

I’m so glad Huel is a shake. It’s so much easier for me to swallow thick liquids.

Good luck with trying out Huel! Please tell us if Huel works for you, despite your fears!

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I suffer from reflux pretty bad, and was having it with huel, but that was because of drinking to fast, drinking it with my morning tea, and also was adding cinnamon ehuch can trigger reflux in some people. Good luck!

I greatly appreciate all of the feedback.

Good news, I’ve been using Huel for lunch for 3 weeks now and Huel and not encouraged my acid flux issues at all.

I’m very thankful.


My acid does flare up when I drink Huel… but I think its because of the MCTs taken from coconut for me. Coconut causes me SEVERE acid problems. I seem to have an intolerance or something for any and all things coconut. But, I take acid reducers before drinking it and I have no issue. Some people may have flare ups to do a sensitivity or intolerance to something in the drink.

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Interesting. You’re the first person I’ve seen that has reflux triggered by coconut products.

It’s weird how certain foods will cause reflux in some people but not others. I have identified several foods that cause reflux in me. Too much garlic. More than a small amount of avavado. And even a small bite of fried plantain or spinach will cause gastroparesis and horrible reflux for the whole day. Bananas and lettuce are fine, but not plantain or spinach. There must be some ingredient in these that slows gastric emptying and or loosens the esophageal sphincter.

Mint, Wintergreen, and mentol cough drops also reflux me, but those are known to reduce esophageal sphincter pressure in people.