Happy Hour Huel

It’s cocktail hour somewhere and you’re putting together your Huel. Is there anything on hand you’d like to throw in? For me, a solid option is chocolate Huel with an ounce of kahlua, a half ounce of coconut liqueur, and a dash of chocolate bitters. Cheers.

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There can be only one. Peanut butter.

Well, I use other things too. But PB is the thing I consistently go to.

Today is gonna be a Huel porridge day. I make it in a glass container and eat it cold the next day. 3 scoops of Huel, added enough oat milk to make it a thick porridge. Stirred in raisins pumpkin pie spice, and a stevia packet (since I’m using up my U/U Huel). 2 tablespoons of peanut butter stirred in. Then I added some banana slices on top. Refrigerate overnight. Will be eaten later today.

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Give this thread a read @JoeB for a few more ideas!