I really like Konsyl Psyllium Husk Powder. It’s a type of fiber. It really agrees with my digestive system and makes my bowel movements regular and clean (way less paper needed). I haven’t tried mixing it with huel but I might soon. I just put a heaping teaspoon of it in a glass of water, stir and drink. I don’t know why this specific type of fiber works so much better for me than the fiber in huel but it does seem to.
Appreciate this is an old thread but wanted to add my experience as it was harrowing but has a happy ending.
I’ve been taking Huel for a while now. Initially on and off but then I switched to having it for breakfast every day. I was having three scoops of Original Recipe Huel with about 4-500ml of water. I then went to two scoops with 400ml water and some four ice cubes.
I love the product - the flavour is delicious too. I genuinly don’t understand how people don’t love it.
Unfortunately, I soon started having explosive diarrhea and it was urgent… when I had to go, I had to GO and usually first thing in the morning, it was a non-negotiable. Fully liquid and high velocity - Poomageddon. Like my backside was the girl in the Exorcist.
I tried moderating Huel consumption and it didn’t help much. I can’t even be sure this was caused by Huel but have read some other people’s experiences, so can’t rule it out. I had been given a course of Antibiotics at one point and started running more so they could be contributing or causal factors.
After several months of putting up with an inverted hair-trigger volcanic crap geyser for a bottom, I started taking a probiotic (Udo’s Adult Blend in case you want the exact brand but I have no skin in the game with them, it’s just what I take).
I now have one scoop of Original Huel, 400ml of water + a large spoon full of Peanut butter, a small spoon of instant coffee and four ice cubes - blended in a Nutribullet every morning.
That, plus my daily probiotic, and my bowel movements are much closer to the smooth sleek sausage that number two dreams are made of.
I am now a very happy customer.
You are quite the storyteller, OWS. I literally lol’d at the last of your descriptors.
That being said, I’m not sure why the few of you have had the volatile experiences u described, but it sure made for “can’t put it down” reading.
I, however, have not had the unavoidable runs to the commode you have (pun fully intended) but I have experienced some VERY attention-grabbing flatulence. I mean wow, I’m surprised the paint isn’t peeling off the walls in my house, especially in the bathroom, where the empirical evidence is much more solid, yet smooth, likened to the soft-served ice cream you may or may not have seen dispensed out of that shiny chrome machine at any of the remaining greasy spoon burger stands lovingly named Tasty Freeze or something similar.
It’s only been 4-5 days since I started my Huel journey, so I must attribute the drastic atmospheric changes to that fact.
I’ll enjoy reading any input that any of you would be willing to contribute.
Just weighing in as someone who has had similar experiences. I wouldn’t call my diarrhea “explosive” but it was bad- loose poops coming with an undesirable urgency. Many times I would have to go 3 times before noon. I’ve been having 3 scoops of Huel (Black Edition) for lunch every day for several months now and the situation has continued unchanged. Oh and my farts are absolutely toxic.
I stopped Huel a week ago today and after 3 or 4 days my symptoms cleared right up. Really wish I could do something to fix it, as I totally love Huel otherwise. Now that I know Huel is causing the problems I’ll try the digestive enzymes. Such a bummer.