Anyone use Huel for breakfast and dinner?

With Huel I don’t have to skip breakfast or think about what I’m going to do for lunch. I’ve used Huel for my first two meals of the day during the workweek and have lost more than 40 pounds so far this year. I’ve won the weight loss challenge at work 3 quarters in a row and will probably win the 4th and last one as well.
I committed to 1800 calories a day during the week. Huel takes about 1000 of that, plus a Larabar for a snack during the day. At night I try to stay under 600 calories for dinner. On the weekend I loosen up a little, but I also went vegan so that keeps me from spontaneously eating something tempting that might come up. I feel great! This weekend I donated a bunch of my clothes that had become to loose. You can totally do the same thing. It’s easy, healthy, and you’ll feel awesome. I even have a beer or two on the weekends!

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