Anyone else getting nasty farts?

I’m trying to move away from sucralose. It may have 0 calories, but it’s still harmful to our health and insulin levels.

Everyone is different with regard to sucralose! If sucralose is not something you tolerate or enjoy, we do offer other options like flavored Huel Black Edition and Unflavored and Unsweetened versions of both Huel powders (both v3.0 and Black Edition)! Flavored Huel Black Edition uses stevia and coconut sugar to sweeten instead.

Sucralose in Huel is safe for consumption and is under the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) both per serving and per 2000 calories of Huel. This page on our website dives into sucralose and the claims both for and against it, including the ones you mentioned!

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It’s no trouble

Didn’t mean for it to sound like it’s a bad thing…

I’m having a good time​:wink::+1:

I ordered a few bags of Huel and suffer from the same problems as others have mentioned above. I gave it some time to see if my body would adjust, and also cut down from two scoops to one… it’s just not working & my family was suffering hard (they still make fun of me for the devastation that I wrought upon their airspace) so I haven’t been having Huel in a few months.

There seem to be mixed thoughts on what’s causing it, but it sounds like the Sucralose is the most likely culprit. I’d like to try some Huel Black (Chocolate w/Stevia) and/or some Huel Black Unflavored/Unsweetened. However, it looks like there are minimums of two bags, so I’d have to drop $80 just to give another try to this stuff that I already sank $130 in, and it’s totally possible this just won’t work for me.

Are there any sort of smaller packages, or multiple-type trial packs I could get to see if I can actually manage these other types?

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I had similar and to be fair I upped my water in take and it sorted itself out after 7 days. Remember your replacing potentially brekfast and lunch with huel so if you go from 0 huel to 2 huels a day your body is going to produce so epic farts. It will go and I am moving to savoury next month.

So I switched to Huel Black and this side effect went away. It also has more protein which is more along the lines of what my diet needed.

I cackled! You are hilarious

As an pro farter before I think I can win Olympics now after 1 week. :sweat_smile: Was wake up my girlfriend from sweet dreams by the smell yesterday​:dash:

I eat one 2 spoon shake and maby 3-4 bars per day.

Hope my stomach calms down soon. Going to try drink shake slower.

Can some good bacteria drops or something help?

It’s the fiber! Your gut wasn’t used to it.

I’m a vegan who misses whey powder terribly. I get terrible bloating and tummy aches from the vegan powders. All the vegan protein powders I’ve tried have pea protein as their main ingredient. I haven’t tried the huel powders for that reason.

I’m here on this site interested in the sweet and savory meal packs. I find myself eating to much junk food because I don’t like to cook.

It’s made my GI tract happier & farts less frequent.

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