Unfullfilled order

I got this email in relation to my order. Maybe call them and see if they’ll change it.

FWIW, I was in the gluten free group which was SERIOUSLY delayed. I raised a stink and they finally provided me with a phone number. I called them, changed the current order to the basic Vanilla, and they said it would ship out today (11/2). I haven’t seen the order change status on the page yet, but will update once I see something.

"I have an update to your recent Huel order, along with a thank you for your patience as we approach the end of our backorder delays. We anticipate a further delay of up to 10 additional business days before your order will ship. We understand this is a long time to wait.

We’d like to extend 3 options for you below:

• I’m ok waiting: If you do not want to make any change to your order and are willing to wait, there is no action needed on your part. We will ship your order in full as soon as it is available.

• I’d like to change to Non-Gluten-Free: If you wish to change to a non-Gluten-Free variety, you can call (888) 338-5656 and we will be happy to make that change for you. While this variety has the same ingredients as our Gluten Free, and still contains no wheat or wheat gluten, it does not undergo the specific steps needed to carry the “Gluten-Free” certification. Please note, this is a special line set up to make these changes alone. For any other questions, please email our support team at support@huel.com.

• I’d like to cancel: If you wish instead to cancel your order, we understand. You can email us at support@huel.com and we can cancel and refund your order, and hope to have you back as a customer soon when any delays are behind us.

Thank you again for your continued patience and support as we expand in the USA, and for being a part of the Huel community."