Disappointed is your Shipping

I am very disappointed with your delivery of my product, My son has been using Huel and raved about it. But for me you have billed me a week ago and my order is unfulfilled for a week now. I assume that means it has shipped. I’ve sent an email last week and still have not heard anything. I am going to give one more day and will cancel my order tomorrow.


Well I tried and nothing but dead air. I am now moving into getting my money back. I have a feeling that alone is going to be a challenge. Beware if you buy their product, you may never get it and not get your money back,

Hey Brian, I have responded to you on another thread as well. I am currently in contact with the fulfillment center about your order. There was an issue with a discount on your order that held it up in our system. Please let me know ASAP if you would like to cancel it or allow them to ship it out.

I will give you one last chance and see what you can do.

So far it you service and lack of communication is, well not good.

My son uses your product and raves about it, please ship it and will see how it goes in the future.

Thanks for giving us a shot, Brian! Our fulfillment center has sent your order to processing. I’ll send along a tracking number once it becomes available. :slight_smile: