🌟 Say Hello To All-New Complete Nutrition Bars

:rotating_light: The next generation of Huel Bars is here :rotating_light:

NEW Complete Nutrition Bar
:point_right:Tastier than your favorite chocolate bar, NEW Huel Complete Nutrition Bar reimagines the midday snack.
:point_right:Available in two flavors: :chocolate_bar: Chocolate Caramel and :peanuts: Peanut Caramel.

We’ve worked hard on creating our best-tasting bars ever, with a layer of indulgent caramel, crunchy nuts, and velvety vegan chocolate.
And unlike other bars on the market, Huel Complete Nutrition Bar is totally vegan and has all the nutrients you need, including 13g of protein and 27 vitamins and minerals.

:star: 27 essential vitamins & minerals
:star: 150 science-backed health benefits, including immune support with vitamin C and healthy skin with biotin
:star: Less than 200kcal
:star: High protein, only 2g of sugar
:star: Velvety vegan chocolate
:star: Smooth caramel layer

Try Huel Complete Nutrition Bar today :point_right: Huel Complete Nutrition Bar


They are both so delicious!

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So happy to hear you’re enjoying them! Early days now so very excited to hear what people think as they’re able to give them a try :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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24 bars (51 grams each) for $65. $2.71 per bar

The bars are freaking awesome.

Thanks for the order!


So glad you enjoy them, Justin! And what a haul! :heart_eyes: Which is the preferred flavor for the bar, has one emerged yet?

If I had to pick one, 100% the chocolate caramel. I’d be sad if the peanut butter caramel was removed though. :grin:

We’re doing our 3rd run through of our side project, ‘Huel 3.0’ 100% Huel, doing all the products this time instead of only the powder. I’m a new content creator, the content is not amazing yet but we’re working on it :sunglasses:!


Not to worry, we’re just excited to start hearing what people think of the new flavours! :hugs:

That’s so exciting! Wherever you post make sure to tag us so we can keep up with your journey! :two_hearts:

How many grams of sugar alcohols in each bar?

What’s the carb count? The images on the site are a bit confusing, 10 or 24g?

23g carbs in the Peanut Caramel and 24g in the Chocolate Caramel :blush:

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Unfortunately, we are unable to provide exact amounts of ingredients as this is proprietary information due to the fact that it is part of the recipe. However, we want to assist as best we can here! As a result, if there’s a specific amount maltitol you aim to stay under, I can reach out to our team to see if we can get a yes/no if there’s more or less than that amount per serving of of Complete Nutrition bars!

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So these are replacing the previous Huel bars?

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Yes, the old bars are no longer available.

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DM87 beat me to it, but yes! They are a replacement in the sense that we discontinued both previous ranges of bars and have now released the new Complete Nutrition Bars to take their place.

If you have any questions about the new bars, just let me know!

Unable to find the appropriate slow clap meme, so just use your imagination.

I had eaten the OG bars for the last 3 years. Just had one of the new bars. Significant improvement in taste. Bravo.

Gonna give it a few days trial to ensure there’s not too much sugar alcohols in it to give me an osmotic laxative effect. I plan on eating 2 per day, 5 days a week.


Ooff. Although the new bars have improved taste and still have the good sustained energy as all Huel products do, there is a “fatal flaw” to the new formula. The sugar alcohols in them are enough to give me uncomfortable GI symptoms. Even if I only eat one per day, I get gas, cramping, and looser stools. This did not happen with the powder, premade liquid, mac n cheese, or older Huel bars. I’ve tried it multiple times with the same result and the symptoms always come on within 30 min after eating a new Huel bar. Alas, I will be tossing the rest of my bars and not reordering. Sucks because the bars are currently my main way of snacking at work.

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I switched to Misfits, Barebell, Atlas and No Cow Dipped. Agree on the new bars, super tasty, not the best in my stomach. Can’t really pinpoint the root cause, seems like you did.

Miss the black bars.


These can double as a cleanse with such a high amount of sugar alcohols.
Slogan could say 2 huel bars a day will keep you shitting all the way