New hot & savory flavors - my review

I was happy to get a box this week with 4 new Huel flavors to try, and overall I am very satisfied with them.

The first one I tasted was the spicy Indian curry. It surely tasted authentically Indian, like it was made with a real Indian masala. It seemed like a sort of gruel that people might eat in an Indian village somewhere. Since it is rated 3 chilis, I was afraid it might be too hot, but the heat level was reasonable, and it may be a little less spicy than the Thai chili, which is rated only 2 chilis. Overall I liked it.

Next came the Mexican chili. Bingo! This may be the best of the bunch. It had a hearty, sastisfying taste, and again, seemed like the real thing. You could easily imagine this being part of a real Mexican meal.

The yellow coconut curry was certainly edible, but a little disappointing for me. It just went down as fairly bland and lacking in punch. It does appear to have real shredded coconut in it, but the coconut taste was mild. Adding raisins to it was cute, but a little incongruous. However, it does appear to be a good option for a healthy, warm breakfast Huel.

Last but not least was the sweet and sour, and yes(!), ladies and gentlemen, we have another winner. It was tangy and sweet, but not too much of either - the taste was just right. It is interesting to note that this was not clearly based on any national cuisine, altho it comes close to some Chinese dishes that I have had.

Btw with all of these I found it helpful to add a little salt and/or cilantro and/or lemon or lime juice. Those can really bring the flavors to life.

So thumbs up for Huel Hot and Savory! There are 2 flavors that I love (Mexican chili & sweet and sour), 2 that l like and would gladly order again (Thai green chili & Indian curry), and 2 that are pretty good and which I might get again (tomato and yellow coconut).

Thanks to Huel for coming out with this fine line of healthy and reasonably priced products.

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So stoked you are loving Hot & Savory!
Both the Mexican Chili and the Sweet & Sour are delicious! My personal favorite is the Mexican Chili and Yellow Coconut curry, but that is the magical part about Hot & Savory, there are different types of flavor profiles for everyone🤙
Keep on being an excellent Hueligan @Trailesque :two_hearts::sparkling_heart::two_hearts:

I love the Huel black cold meals (just ordered 6 more) but I really don’t like any of the Hot & Savory ones. I’ve tried about 3 meals each of 3 flavors (Indian, Thai, Mexican) and probably going to throw the rest out once the next order of shake mixes comes in.

When I read stuff like “seemed like the real thing. You could easily imagine this being part of a real Mexican meal” I’m trying to imagine what sort of Mexican restaurant could possible serve this. I get it that it costs about $3 a serving so it’s unfair to compare but it’s also disingenuous to compare these meals to restaurant food.

Well now, you don’t like any of the hot & savories, so . . . Look, I am no expert on Mexican food and maybe you are, but what I said was I could imagine it being part of a Mexican meal - not the entire meal.

it’s just my opinion of course, and I do go to Mexico a couple times a month (pre COVID) to eat and Mexican food is probably the most popular cuisine in my city, so I’m biased. But just saying I can’t see how a that could be served as a side dish in any restaurant, Mexican or otherwise and that goes for all the savory meals. They’re ok as a $3 ready mix if you like them I suppose. Just my opinion!