About to get my first order of Huel in, my GF and I are going to try it for a week and see how it goes. Hopefully well, because meal prep is currently consuming way too much of my free time.
My only problem is that, by my math, there’s no way to comfortably subscribe for two people. I’d really like to be able to purchase once a month just so I can line it up with my other bills, but the 8-bag limit makes that impossible. Anyone have a workaround, and/or is there any chance of getting that limit raised?
You can add a second subscription of another 8 bags. 
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You may be interested in Aligning subscriptions with use which has some math for there was even less flexibility in number of bags ordered (2, 4, or 8).
I cannot think of any technical reason they would need to restrict to 8 bags, but logistics would become more complicated as they would eventually need multiple boxes.
Regardless, multiple subscriptions will be the way to go; how many bags and what frequency will depend on your rate of consumption.
Thanks for the suggestion, hadn’t considered just adding two subscriptions to the cart.