iOS Health app?

Any chance we might see an update to the Huel Calculator app that feeds into the iOS Health app via HealthKit? That would make things incredibly easy in terms of maintaining a thorough record of nutrition for healthcare providers.

Manually entering information into the Health app consumes all of the time I’ve otherwise saved by foregoing unnecessary food prep, and using third party applications to make things easier just offers up valuable data that I’d much rather be placing in the hands of Huel Inc.

@Danny I don’t believe that app is an official Huel app. I think it was just created by a Huel customer.

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@kris4183 Ah! I see that now, thank you.

Let me rephrase:
Any chance we might see a Huel app that feeds into the iOS Health app via HealthKit? That would make things incredibly easy in terms of maintaining a thorough record of nutrition for healthcare providers.

Manually entering information into the Health app consumes all of the time I’ve otherwise saved by foregoing unnecessary food prep, and using third party applications to make things easier just offers up valuable data that I’d much rather be placing in the hands of Huel Inc.

Clarifications are always good. :wink:

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