I’m out until the next version ✌🏻

I have had a heel shake for breakfast for the last 2.5 years; usually mixing original and chocolate half/half. Just opened the V3 bags and I have been forcing myself to have a shake. The flavor is overpowering and strange, the texture is different. While I could handle a texture change easily, the flavor is putting me off.
I love Huel since it feels great for my digestive system and I used to enjoy the taste. I now regret buying several months worth as I do not think I can actually finish them. Seems like it is time to find a different powder.


It’s likely the flaxseed.

Dan, there is your first mistake. Unfortunately we are at a point in this country where you can’t take every comment seriously. I am a new Huel user (approx 1 month), and I have no previous versions for comparison, but I am using the 3.0 with only the shaker provided, and having NO problems.

Now I will admit that I am not a complainer by nature, and also rather intelligent when faced with small logical issues, but come on people?!

The holes in the strainer (ice barrier, I believe they call it) are about 3cm, (1/8 inch) so how is it that you’re gettin “dime size clumps in your mouth”?

Follow the directions, drink the shake, if there’s any clumps in the bottom of the shaker, put an oz or two more water in shake it, finish it, move on with your day.


through every version i’ve had, when i shake it at work, i’ve gotta get my paint shaker mode on… or add a little more water and shake it like you’re imitating a jackhammer.

hyperbole… gotta love it.

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The answer as I have mentioned before is to just spend the 15 bucks on a hand blender from Amazon. You can buy one from walmart too, but it’s more expensive. That being said I prep an entire day’s worth of Huel in less than 15 minutes and the hand Blender rinses off. So you wouldn’t need to wake up at 5am unless you work at 5:30. As far as the flavors, even 3.0 is super bland to me. It doesn’t have enough flavor, but I have gotten over it and the benefits far outweigh the cost. As far as I’m concerned the salted caramel is the best flavor and that is what I eat. I’m polishing off a few bags of vanilla that I ordered, but they aren’t good. Either way if you really just want to add stuff you can buy the unflavored stuff and add whatever you want.

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