Hi everyone, I’m new to Huel but I’m on my 3rd day in and I’ve been doing a snack for breakfast and now adding a full serving for my lunch and holy cow do I love it! I love how easy an tasty it is and i like the little bit of grit I kinda chew it like I do with my OJ with pulp haha it’s my drink and snack all in one. I tried the chocolate for dinner last night as it was a late day for me and that one was a bit rough for me to down it but I got it down cause I’ve taken protein shakes before in the past that were worse but I’m waiting for my flav drops to come in with the mocha to see if it helps. Does anyone have any other tips to help a girl out for the chocolate flavor cause I don’t want to not use it or dread it when I take it, I really love this stuff its helped with my stomach issues already withing days so I’m a Hueler for life now!
I definitely understand where you’re coming from. I started Huel with the chocolate powder because I LOOOOVVVVEEE chocolate, but I could barely taste any chocolate If you’re calorie counting like I am, try making it with coffee instead of water. I find the sweeteners in the Huel work well with coffee and you don’t really need to add anything to sweeten it up. I used decaffeinated cold brew I’d make the night before and a teaspoon of cocoa powder to enhance the chocolatey-ness, but if you’re in a rush you can make instant coffee and I found it cooled down nicely with the crushed ice in the shaker. It’s a nice hack if you’re waiting for mocha
If you’re not calorie counting… There’s a world of things you can put in to make it palatable! Here’s the list: https://huel.com/blogs/recipes
Also… Definitely check out the chai flavor booster! It’s my personal favorite with chocolate powder and cold brewed coffee in place of water - you don’t even need the cocoa powder!
@Stacy - I have been using Huel 2x per day since April 26th. Chocolate is my favorite. Maybe it’s just me but I think the Chocolate is good as is. Maybe it’s because I only have about 5-8 grams of sugar per day. If I need a sweeter chocolate fix, I sometimes put in 2 of the small packs of Truvia. Other than that, I would look in this site under “Categories > Recipes” - people have posted tons of different recipes.
Next week I am getting the Caramel flavor booster so I may try a little of that in my Chocolate to see how that tastes when I need a stronger fix. I see what Huel is doing for my health so I am a Hueler for life as well!
I’m definitely calorie watching and it’s not the sweetness of the chocolate, it just tastes a bit off but I will definitely try it with decaf coffee since I gotta watch my caffeine intake as well thank you guys!! Oh and I’m gonna order the chai flavor boost because I looooove me some chai!
I add a high quality cacao powder to the chocolate. It makes a world of difference with very few added calories. Sometimes I add decaf coffee crystals as well. Another option is PB2, it has calories but not too bad.
Chocolate Huel powder goes very well with the Huel caramel or Huel mocha flavor powders, PB2 powder, or Amazing Grass Green Superfood (I know, weird). A banana blended into it might also be good.
Of course, mixing any Huel powder in a 50/50 mix of water/milk makes them taste better, IMO.
Huh. This seems like a really good idea. I may need to try this.
I’ve been doing the 50/50 with almond milk and water an love it with my vanilla, I’ll have to try all the ideas you guys gave me thank you all so much it’s very appreciated