I am a person with autism looking for meal prep alternatives


I am someone who’s still struggling alot with meals. On the other hand I love all tastes so texture etc is not an issue.

I spotted the hot instant meals of huel and I am interested.

I would only use this to replace my dinner. Is that possible on a daily basis? It would be cheaper also?

I am questioning if I need to look for more veggies besides it? Like I love carrots, tomatos, cucumber and cauliflower. Should I combine huel with that?

Because I only replace 1 meal, do I need to care about anything nutritional?

Thanks for the help

Great question, you should still look to get in vegetables through out your day. If you would like to combine vegetables with Huel you can, you could also have them as a side or incorporate them into your other meals and snacks. You can definitely use Huel at dinner, overall you want to be sure that all your meals and snacks add up to give you the proper amount of calories and macronutrients you need for the day. :blush: