So I’ve been adding Huel to my vegan burger patties…still tinkering with it a bit, but have had good luck so far in terms of taste and texture. I’m curious about how the Huel nutrition holds up under the heat of a grill? Any thoughts? I read the FAQ online (copied below). I grill them on an open flame at 400 degrees. Would this be similar to baking in terms of nutrient loss or more like boiling water?
““When you heat Huel, carbohydrates remain unchanged. Proteins may change in structure upon heating, but this will not affect the amount of protein. Although some fats are prone to oxidation, ground flaxseeds have been shown to be much more stable than flaxseed oil. There may be losses of some of the more labile micronutrients when using boiling water (eg potassium, vitamin C, some B vitamins) because these micronutrients may partly leach into the water and be lost in evaporation. That being said, when baking to high temperatures there will much smaller losses as leaching and evaporation are much less of an issue.”
So as long as you aren’t cooking your Huel in boiling water or heating it to great temperatures, the nutritional content remains relatively unchanged.“