First Taste of Huel

My first shipment of Huel arrived last night. I made a serving of the Vanilla - 400ml water to 100g of Huel - and left it overnight in the fridge. I’m drinking it right now. My first impression is… it’s not bad. In fact, it tastes just a little like a cereal from South Africa called ProNutro, though unsweetened and a little too watery.

Could I have it regularly? Up to a point, yes. I’d say one meal a day will be easy enough. Two… I’d probably have to vary the flavors fairly regularly.


That’s good info I’ll be trying it for the first time soon too.

Have a good day.


I found that I grew to like the taste of vanilla Huel after several days.


I don’t dislike it at all. It’s just fine. Not nearly as bad as some people say. I’ll just need to vary it sometimes.

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I too have had my first taste today! Mine was unsweetened unflavored. I used unsweetened vanilla almond milk though. It tastes like a creamy/more liquid version of plain oatmeal. Honestly I am not hating at all. I may try it with unsweetened chocolate almond milk next time. I think if going forth adding fruit and blending or just something you would normally associate with oatmeal would make this great - just don’t let it negatively affect the healthy eating approach.


I grew up eating (and still do) lightly sweetened oats. A touch of honey or a little sugar is all I need. Maybe I’ll try oat or rice milk, but I want to keep the calories down!

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Glad to hear the start of your Huel journey is running smooth!

Be sure to check out our flavor boosts if you want some variety.

Also never forget the power of cinnamon or throwing a cold brew in your Huel!


6 hours after my first Huel, and I’m only starting to feel the very first indications of hunger now. Usually from that point to actually being hungry takes me 2 hours.
So, about 6-8 hours of satiety! I must say I’m impressed by that. I was expecting little to no satiety with Huel.


My second dose and fourth dose didn’t give me the same sense of satiety as the first and third. It seems I respond better to the vanilla flavour, which is quite strange!

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