Exciting RTD news!

Hey Hueligans!

We know it’s been a tricky few months for our Ready-to-drink customers, and we can’t thank you enough for being patient while we’ve been busy trying to get things back on track.

As you know we pride ourselves on being transparent with our community, so to bring you up to speed, we have recently started producing all of our Ready-to-drink flavors at a shiny new factory. This means no more out of stock headaches for you. Wahoo!

As is the way with producing such a complicated, unique recipe in a new environment, you may pick up some small differences. But, we can promise that the recipe and nutrition hasn’t changed. To be sure that you guys love it we have conducted extensive pilot trials and taste tests and the results showed that the majority of people preferred it!

This new Ready-to-Drink has been shipping as of today. Over the next few weeks we will slowly be switching each of the flavors over to ensure there is no stock wastage.

Overall we are absolutely pumped to be bringing you this product and hope you love it as much as we do.


Announces RTD is back in stock… on a Friday afternoon … so that if people reading this try to order it, it likely won’t get processed till Monday (no processing over weekend) … people go to order on the site and the Berry RTD still listed as out of stock.

Couldn’t resist. Anyway, I’m sure if we wait a little bit longer all the flavors will be available. I’ll celebrate when that happens. Until then, Ima hold up on that celebration.


Did Berry sell out that quickly!? I know some of us are RTD fiends, but dang!

This message here was to ensure that those who ordered RTD on Friday were aware of this change (this was teamed up with an email). Imagine ordering Friday and receiving an RTD with a slightly different flavor - it would be confusing. This post was intended to explain this.

Sorry that you wouldn’t be able to receive the order until later, is waiting until next week really so bad?

Yes. We’ve got some brand new Vanilla and Chocolate RTD stock, we don’t just want to sit on it! We produce each flavor one after the other, so best to get Chocolate and Vanilla back in stock so those that love those flavors can enjoy!

For the chocolate and vanilla lovers, we gon’ be celebrating up in here :tada: :partying_face:

We are working on making all the flavors available on our website over the next few weeks, berry is coming very soon!

Perfect! Now if only there were a Black RTD… Then life would be complete :slight_smile: