Chronic constipation vs Huel

I have a post on the forum about how Huel saved my life, and my early issues were severe constipation… Huel saved my life in one week

I had massive pain trying to go, even on a good day. It basically felt like it was tearing its way out of me. I was out of breath from the effort sometimes. I did not realize until I went all Huel and my inflammation abated, that my rectum and sphincter were chronically swollen. I had pressure and pain that also varied how much I could squeeze past the inflammation. I had to take laxatives all the time to get past it, even though it was not really constipation. I still do not know the cause of the inflammation, but it became quite apparent something had my whole body inflamed, even my eyes. For me, Huel apparently has the magic bullet for my body. I cannot claim it will work for you, but if you feel any pressure in your sphincter, you may have inflammation like me. Mine started like yours, but became a living nightmare over the years.

Aside from that, Huel definitely helps, but if not Huel only, it will be dependent on many other factors. My suggestion is to try Huel and water for a week and find out. I am happy to help you through it, if you like. If you stick to it, you may be surprised by the end of the week. I was beyond surprised myself.

Let me know if I can help. Best of luck to you.