No, because some people enjoy the new chocolate flavor and others don’t. We are regularly improving and releasing new flavors so when the time comes we will let you know.
Thank you for acknowledging it doesn’t taste like chocolate.
The regular improvements are the problem. It’s a very strange branding approach for a product that your customers consume daily, sometimes multiple times per day, and get very attached to. So weird how y’all continuously defend this approach when it runs so counter to common sense branding strategy and consistent feedback from your customers. Why so willing to let loyal customers give up on you?
Sorry, if what I wrote as been misinterpreted but I don’t think that’s what I said.
I will reiterate that the forum is an important, but small proportion of total Hueligans. We want to bring sustainable, affordable and convenient nutrition to as many people as possible. However, we can’t do that if lots of people try Huel once, don’t like the taste and go back to there unhealthier lunches etc.
We’re not willing at all to let you guys go which is why we have places like the forum to listen to you, take feedback and make changes where needed.
Try Huel black. It seems that you whoul like it. I personally prefer chocolate v3 bc is less sweet.
The previous version of chocolate was way better. I don’t know what they changed but I have 10 bags of the new stuff now because I was still consuming the old stuff and I didn’t know they would be changing it. I ordered flavor packs so I can consume what I have left of the new chocolate just to get it down. I threw out one of the bags thinking that I just got a bad mixture, factory error or something. I can’t believe this is the final product. I loved huel chocolate was consuming it over 1 year and they just changed it. I gave huel an option to send me a sample of vanilla and berry if I like them there is a good chance I will restart a subscription if not then I will be forced to go to a competitor when I don’t even want to. I like huel, I want to support it even for a greedy purpose because I want it to be here for me. But you took my beloved chocolate away and replaced it with something I can’t stomache. I can’t pay money for this it’s horrible and I can’t believe there isn’t more voices demanding previous chocolate huel. Like I said I have never tried vanilla or berry but I do not intend to order bags to find out if I like it or not. I just spent $48 on flavor packs and I have bought huel along time so if you want to keep me as a customer then please look up my account info and send me a sample of vanilla and berry huel. Thank You Matthew Stephenson.
It does not taste like chocolate at all and I think I have just wasted money