We’ve made some changes to Huel Daily Greens

We’ve made some changes to Huel Daily Greens.

We’ve listened to Hueligan feedback and challenged ourselves to make Daily Greens an even better experience for you.

Rest assured, each serving still contains 91 vitamins, minerals and wholefood-sourced nutrients. The nutrition remains largely unchanged.

What are the changes?

****Improved smoother texture:

  • For Original Flavor: we have greatly improved the texture by reducing oats, tapioca starch, flaxseed and pea protein.

  • For Lemon & Ginger and Watermelon Flavors: we have improved the texture by reducing flaxseed and replacing tapioca starch with an improved alternative to improve mixability.

As a result of these changes, the overall protein and superfood blend has decreased for Original Flavor only, but with minimal changes to the nutritional profile of Daily Greens.

Serving Size & new pouch:
Due to these changes the serving size has changed from 15g to 8.5g on the Original Flavor. Because of this, the pouch you receive will be slightly smaller (255g). A new 8.5g scoop will be added to your pouch to make sure you get the perfect serving size. The new pouch will still contain 30 servings of Daily Greens.


To improve the taste there has been a slight reduction in chlorella & spirulina.

There are only minimal changes to certain micronutrient levels. You can preview the label for Original Flavor here.

Will the price be changing?

No, the price will stay the same. While the serving size of the product has changed, the servings per pouch remains unchanged.

You will start to receive the NEW & Improved Daily Greens from approximately late November for Original Flavor. Lemon & Ginger and Watermelon will be updated in December & January respectively.

You can identify whether you have the new version by checking the size of the pouch in your order. Our latest version is packaged in a smaller-sized pouch weighing 255g.

Seems like the greens product is getting its ingredients constantly reduced while being spun off as improvements.


I can see where you are coming from, but we can assure you that these changes are made in a effort to create a better user experience. This new formula will provide roughly the same micronutrients, adaptogens, phytonutrients and other key ingredients as the prior version, but without the extra stuff. It is a supplement rather than a meal or snack, so the focus is on the micronutrients and blends, rather than macronutrients like the protein that the pea protein was providing. The reduction of the oats, tapioca starch, flaxseed and pea protein improves texture by reducing sediment and creating a better mouth feel.

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So, I recently purchased the Daily Superblend. After making it, the mix felt really watery… So I checked instructions and realized I used the wrong amount of water per the packaging. However, there is only one marker in the shaker provided. Is there supposed to be a separate shaker I should have purchased? Otherwise, can we consider putting a second water line in the main shaker for this use?

There’s a daily greens bottle with markings on the side from the store if you feel $10 is worth it

Hi, I am a relatively new daily greens user and got a batch of original and watermelon around October I think. I did notice that the original and watermelon were completely different in size and texture. The original is thick and a larger serving (15g). The watermelon is thinner and half the serving size (8.5g).

Are these both the old versions? How will the new version compare to the watermelon I got?


I just got my new monthly subscription order and was shocked by the change. “but without the extra stuff” Without the extra stuff I was paying for… my price didn’t go down but I’m getting less out of the product. Overall I’m not happy.

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I have to say I’m disappointed as well. The inclusion of spirulina and flax were some of the drivers behind my wanting to use the product. Now I will have to supplement by buying those separately, which takes away some motivation to purchase the product. Flax I understand (texture), but spirulina can be an ultrafine powder, so I’m not sure why that’s been reduced.

I’m sorry to hear you were not satisfied with the product updates. I did want to clarify that the “extra stuff” referenced here was the extra amounts of oats, tapioca, inulin and flax, which in this formula were mainly contributed macronutrients rather than micronutrients. While the serving size of the product has changed, the amounts of vitamins and minerals remains largely the same.

In regards to the spirulina, the reduction was done to improve the taste of the formula. I realize this may not be everyone’s preference, however we felt the improvement in taste was worth decreasing this specific ingredient. We appreciate this kind of feedback from our customers, I’ll be sure to share this with the relevant teams.

You made a change, it decreases a lot of items and completely removes some too, from the list I was sent. If the change was made for taste it’s worse now, tastes watered down. You can’t make everyone happy, obviously. But I had just move to you guys from AG1, and now I have to move on again, you could have made a new product version rather than changing what you had. Anyway, it’s not worth the money to me now that I know the formula can just change whenever for whatever reason. I get used to something, like it, then changes and not for nutritional reasons, rather for taste. That’s not a valid reason for me.