Still can't access U.S. website

What am I doing wrong? I cannot access Huel’s U.S. website (besides the forum, obviously)– does not work. I can access the UK’s site, but when I use the dropdown and select U.S. it sends me to and I get the “This site can’t be reached” error message.

Hey there. The site is working on my Chrome browser. Is your computer up to date?

I’m getting this error as well won’t let me go to my account once I sign in or my friend. Correction I can get to the site just nothing regarding my account.

Does it say that your account doesn’t exist? You may have no created an account prior to ordering. Let me know if it’s that case.

Another tip is to make sure your browser is up to date and turn off ad blockers.

No this is still not resolved can’t log in trying to cancel the service I have the confirmation of the email which was a subscription and want this canceled before another gets sent out.

Hi Jesse, it’s showing that your subscription was cancelled on November 7th. If you have a subscription under a different email than the one you use for the forum, PM it to me and I’ll cancel that subscription for you.