Starting a one month Huel only challenge

I’m a regular Huel user on and off. But, since I started a new job about a month ago I’ve been eating Huel for breakfast and lunch. Starting this weekend, I’m going to attempt a Huel only diet for at least a month. Wish me luck!

About me: I’m 39, 6’1" ish and I’m up to 330lbs. This is the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life. I’m ready for a dramatic change. I’m hoping to break my food addiction and drop 100lbs within a year.


Good luck & please be careful.

I suggest you start a journal so you can capture what you are thinking and feeling along the way. It helps to be able to revisit your earlier self so you can see the progress you’re making too.


Ambitious, but certainly possible. To go from 330 to 230 in a year is certainly doable in a year. That’s a 2 lb per week loss, on average. Although it will likely be real fast for the first half and then slow way down.

I went from 277lbs to 190 lbs in about 2 years. The first 50 pounds came off real fast. After the first month of exercise, I got in more shape and was able to exercise longer. Then I was dropping about 3 pounds a week for almost 2 and a half months. Then I went through an 8 week plateau (which really pissed me off). And then the weight loss resumed at a much slower pace. The closer I got to my goal weight, the slower it went.

In essence, the more insulin resistant you are, the faster you will lose fat from exercise and a low GI diet.