Questions about Huel low carb hacks

Reading the Huel low carb hack article and have two questions I hope someone can answer …

(1) What is the reason for the dessicated coconut?

(2) How does one pick an appropriate protein powder? I’m seeing many choice, different sources and really want to get this mix right.

Thank in advance for help!!!

Can anyone offer some insight on low-carb Huel?!

I don’t understand. Huel isn’t especially low carb. How would somebody attempt to go about changing that?

There is an article posted on how to do this and I was curious about the specifics. The point is to make Huel lower carb.

I bought what I was told was dessicated coconut and fine at that but when I mixed a batch it was not drinkable because the coconut turned in to a chewy, screen clogging mess.

Hi guys

This article has ben updated with new values based on kitchen trials we’ve done on the hacks.

You can read it here.