Props for the chocolate huel!

i was a little nervous to try a new huel flavor, bc if i hated it then im out $$.

But were my fears absolutely misplaced.


I have a completely insatiable sweet tooth which is making my weight loss journey a little harder then i would like. and one of my favorite treats is a milkshake that comes in at over 1,000 calories.

this flavor of huel with milk rivals the flavor, texture, and consistency of my chocolate calorie bomb that i like to eat way more often then i should.

and it saves me around 500 calories and i know it is a much more nutritious option.

thank you so much for the new flavor, i pray to see one day in RTD and in the granola bar option.

and if you’re questioning if you should try it stop.

just order it, you wont be sorry.


Huel definitely needs to get a RTD chocolate. And… they’d probably get good sales with some kind of caffeinated RTD, perhaps a mocha or almond vanilla latee. (I don’t do caffeinated drinks, so I don’t know what the best flavor is.) A lot of people want an easy, ready to go breakfast. And a lot of people need their caffeine fix. Getting both in the same bottle… could be a major seller for Huel.

i didnt even think of a caffeinated rtd. that literally makes my mouth water. fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers:t2: