Order cancelled by Huel?

I placed my first order on 11-08-18. Shipping info was sent to Fed-Ex at 2:12pm on 11-08-18. Then the shipment was cancelled at 3:42pm same day. Shipment shown as cancelled by sender (Huel). The money was taken out of my account and no explanation of the cancellation has been received. No response from email sent. Can someone explain this to me?

I’m currently experiencing the same thing. I’ve sent two emails and had no response, which really pisses me off after they pulled $100 out of my account and have seemingly just ghosted.

Hello all! I messaged you with your new tracking IDs. This happens sometimes when we or FedEx cancels the tracking ID. No worries, your orders are in route to you :slight_smile:

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Actually just recieved mine. Thank you