I’m beginning a journey into prepping, and I would love to see a new Huel recipe targeted at longer term storage/shelf life (e.g. 5+ years). There’s a huge market for people who like to plan and prepare for the worst situations, e.g. https://canadianpreparedness.com/.
Or, what are the chances that the current Huel powder recipe would be safe to drink after a few years? What is the limiting factor on the 12 months?
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Hey @RandomRanger - welcome to the US Huel forum 
Will be sure to pass on this feedback!
Huel powders have a Best Before date, which is more about quality in terms of nutrition and taste, rather than a Use-By date which indicates when a food may be safe to consume until.
With that being said, we cannot guarantee the quality of our products or advise their consumption beyond the Best Before date printed on the packaging.
Will touch-base with our team on this and let you know!
Following up on the last question as I have more information from the team! The limiting factor is flavor/sensory testing.
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Ah this is fantastic to hear! I appreciate the feedback, thanks 
Hey @RandomRanger Apologies! Had one edit. I mean to write “cannot guarantee.” See below -
With that being said, we cannot guarantee the quality of our products or advise their consumption beyond the Best Before date printed on the packaging.
Apologies, this is not something we can guarantee. I’ve edited my initial post, as well!
No worries I know what you meant. If you could guarantee it, that would’ve been the date to begin with 
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While I’m not sure how much longer the Huel would be good, when I first open a bag, I divide it into 2 or 3 cup bags and vacuum seal them. I’ve used some that were a couple of years old and they seemed fine